Sep 27, 2024  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]


  • THEA 3225 - Sound Design & Reinforcement

    This course is a study of modern methods of vocal reinforcement for the stage and the use of music and sound effects in theatrical production. Students will focus on the technical components of a sound system, script analysis, research, and the use of computerized sound control equipment.

    Prerequisite: THEA 3525


  • THEA 3250 - Design Studio II

    This course is an activity, or studio course. Students will participate in drawing, painting, and model making using a variety of media and materials. Students will build on techniques learned in THEA 2250, and learn new skills. Students will learn advanced rendering skills, as well as, 3D model making. The focus is on creating finished works, as well as, learning the abilities, limits, and qualities of differing media and materials.

    Prerequisite: THEA 2250


  • THEA 3300 - Movement for the Stage II

    This course furthers class work explored in Movement I and is designed for the serious actor on a professional track of study. Focus will be on processes to provide the actor with a freer, more expressive and dynamic physical life on stage. Methods used will include Michael Chekhov’s gesture work for specific character development, Alexander alignment work, and Tadashi Suzuki’s movement as an acting discipline.

    Prerequisite: THEA 2300


  • THEA 3500 - Stagecraft III

    This course presents advanced topics in stage technology, including advanced rigging techniques, production planning, electronic controls, pneumatics, hydraulics, structural design for the stage and metal fabrication, welding, and other state-of-the-art technologies. Emphasis will also be placed on the design/engineering layout, CAD drafting and execution for an advanced production problem. The Lab component of this course consists of two hours. If possible, students will attend field trips to local scenic studios.

    Prerequisite: THEA 3200 or permission of instructor


  • THEA 3510 - Lighting Production

    The purpose of this course is to expose the student to the basic, thorough understanding of the fundamental and physical properties of electricity and light. Emphasis is on the design and engineering of special effects, wiring, power distribution, hookup and troubleshooting, audio visual technology, as well as automated lighting control and programming.

    Prerequisites: THEA 1500 and THEA 2160


  • THEA 3520 - Costume Crafts

    This course provides a basic understanding of the technical skills and tools required for theatrical costume crafts. This course will include: the study of hand sewing methods; use of a sewing machine; design, construction, and decoration of masks, hats, and other costume accessories.

    Prerequisite: THEA 2520


  • THEA 3525 - Audio Production

    The purpose of this course is to expose the student to the basic media used in sound design and engineering for the theatre, including reel-to-reel, cassette, minidisk, digital audio tape (DAT), CD, and digital audio workstations (DAW) and common techniques and equipment for digital and analog sound reinforcement. Emphasis is on the design and engineering, hookup and troubleshooting, of audio systems for live theatre sound.

    Prerequisite: THEA 1500


  • THEA 3530 - Acoustics and Psychoacoustics

    The purpose of this course is to expose the student to the fundamentals of acoustics and psychoacoustics. Acoustics is the study of the production, control, transmission, reception, and effects of sound; and the qualities that determine the ability of a specific enclosure or construction (such as a theatre) to reflect sound waves in such a way as to produce proximity, clarity and fidelity in human hearing. Psychoacoustics is the study of how humans react to sound. Together they form the basis of sound design for live theatre.

    Prerequisite: THEA 3225


  • THEA 3550 - Advanced Scene Painting

    The purpose of this course is to present the student with an opportunity to develop advanced skills in scene painting and scenic art for theatre and film. Students will hone the skills acquired in earlier classes and acquire new skills. The class will stress not only technique but safety, and environmental responsibility, in dealing with paints and solvents. If possible, students will attend field trips to local scenic studios.

    Prerequisite: THEA 2500 or permission of instructor


  • THEA 3600 - Stage Management

    Basic to advanced training in stage management designed to prepare the student for work in a variety of performance venues. This course will address the construction and maintenance of a promptbook, organizing rehearsals, production meetings, and other stage management topics as well as expose students to practitioners in the professional world of stage management.

    Prerequisites: THEA 1021 or THEA 1150, and THEA 1500


  • THEA 3620 - Production Management

    An introduction to the economics, logistics, and managerial aspects of running a multi-show theatre season. This course is designed to acquaint students with budgeting and managing the technical assets of a theatre and understanding the interconnections of those assets. Special emphasis is given to time management and budgeting personnel.

    Prerequisite: THEA 1500


  • THEA 3630 - History of Musical Theatre

    This course will provide a survey of the history of musical theatre from its origins to the present. Emphasis will be placed on the various other forms of theatre that contributed to the development of the Musical and to the practitioners of both the early and modern forms of musical theatre.

    Prerequisite: THEA 1100


  • THEA 3640 - History of Costume & Decoration

    This is a survey course studying the history of western costume and decorative arts. Students will learn to identify the hallmarks of clothing, furniture, architecture and interior decoration from the Ancient Egyptian to the Modern period. Students will gain an understanding of how these elements function as a reflection of each society and how these elements can be manipulated in the theatre communication process. To that end, students will engage in research and develop a design morgue for each era - to include color renderings of specific elements.

    Prerequisite: THEA 2150


  • THEA 3650 - Survey of Theatrical Design

    This course is a survey of the history of theatrical design and designers. Students will focus on important movements, literature, directors, and designers involved in the history of theatre from the Italian Renaissance to the present. Students will participate in discussions, do research and present information gained in research to the class.

    Prerequisites: THEA 1100 and THEA 1500


    This course is made available as a substitute for THEA 2620.

  • THEA 3660 - Major Playwrights

    This is a survey course designed to provide an in-depth exploration of a playwright or group of playwrights. Students will study the playwright, the plays, and historical context. Topics and playwrights may be adjusted according to student interests, current trends, season selection, or availability of visiting artists.

    Prerequisite: THEA 2070


  • THEA 3900 - Junior Seminar

    A one hour seminar allowing junior theatre majors to analyze, discuss and eventually structure their artistic goals with the intention of developing their Senior Thesis Project proposal for THEA 4900. This course will serve as a bridge to the student’s capstone project in THEA 4900.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the department


  • THEA 3903 - Advanced Topics in Theatre

    The Gainesville Theatre Alliance gives students the opportunity to work in production with professional designers, actors, directors, and technicians. This course is presented as another opportunity to take advantage of those professionals’ presence on our campus in a formal classroom setting. THEA 3903 classes will be taught by a Professional Artist in Residence (with appropriate credentials), or team taught by a faculty Instructor of Record and visiting Professional Artist in Residence. The topic of each section will be specific and will vary from previous and post sections. The classes will focus, in detail, on methods and ideas that are normally beyond the scope of most required Theatre classes and will take advantage of the specific knowledge-base of a visiting Professional Artist in Residence. This class is intended to be repeatable.


  • THEA 3950 - Advanced Production Project

    This course is designed to bring together all the learning experience of a theatre student. Students will work with faculty and classmates to conceptualize and realize a costume, lighting, or scenic design. Students may also act as a technical director or costume shop manager for a production. Students will be required to present full documentation of the process, as well as, present and defend a paper based on the project.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the Theatre Department


  • THEA 4111 - Directing II

    This course provides a comprehensive exploration of the role of the director in the contemporary theatre. As many modern directors exert considerable influence upon the total artistic vision of theatre production, the student’s understanding of the directorial responsibility is vital. Students will build on knowledge gained in THEA 3110, Directing, study staging techniques for varied audience-actor relationships (thrust, arena, etc.), and advanced study of directing technique. The course culminates in a fully produced studio project.

    Prerequisite: THEA 3110


  • THEA 4200 - Advanced Scenic Design

    This course is an advanced study of lighting design for the stage. Students will design and defend design choices for musicals, opera, and non-realistic theatre events with both historical and modern contexts. The focus will be on conceptualization, documentation, and communication of the design idea.

    Prerequisites: THEA 3205 and THEA 2250


  • THEA 4210 - Advanced Lighting Design

    This course is an advanced study of lighting design for the stage. Students will design and defend design choices for musicals, opera, and non-realistic theatre events with both historical and modern contexts. The focus will be on conceptualization, documentation, and communication of the design idea.

    Prerequisites: THEA 3210 and THEA 3510


  • THEA 4215 - Media and Projections for Theatre

    The purpose of this course is to expose the student to the basic media, software, and equipment used in projections for theatrical productions. The aesthetics of using projections in a production, as well as the possibilities and limitations will be explored and discussed. Students will learn basic and advanced software systems for control of projections in theatre, as well as, the design and engineering, hookup and troubleshooting of projection systems for live theatre.

    Prerequisite: THEA 3510


  • THEA 4220 - Advanced Costume Design

    This course is an advanced study of costume design for the stage. Students will design and defend design choices for musicals, opera, and non-realistic theatre events with both historical and modern contexts. The focus will be on conceptualization and communication of the design idea.

    Prerequisites: THEA 3222 and THEA 2250


  • THEA 4225 - Advanced Sound Design

    This course will familiarize students with recording instruments and mixing and mastering music tracks. Students will also learn the complexities involved in creating and controlling sound for musical theatre including using wireless mics, mixing for a musical, musical instrument reinforcement, and loudspeaker placement. Students will create several pieces of composed music including scores for theatre and film and integrate other learned skills to create sound designs for plays using computer sound control software and hardware. Finally, the course will prepare students for transitioning to working in the profession.

    Prerequisite: THEA 3225


  • THEA 4520 - Advanced Costume Construction

    This course provides advanced understanding of the technical skills and tools required for a theatrical costume technician. This course will include the study of advanced costume construction techniques, how to drape and pattern, and an advanced understanding of fabrics.

    Prerequisite: THEA 2520


  • THEA 4600 - Theatre Management

    This course is an introduction to the economics and managerial aspects of the American Theatre.

    Prerequisites: THEA 1100 and THEA 1500


  • THEA 4620 - Advanced Stage Management

    Advanced Stage Management will provide students with additional tools to make the transition from stage managing in an educational environment to professional theatre. Topics include: calling complex cues; calling a show from a musical score; protocols for stage combat, weapons, and special effects backstage and on stage; interfacing with the design team and the stage manager’s role in new play development; AEA rules and other professional trade unions; strategies for finding and keeping work; and more.

    Prerequisite: THEA 3600


  • THEA 4900 - Senior Seminar

    This is a one credit hour required exit course designed to bring together all learning experiences of a theatre student. A seminar class utilizing the efforts of every theatre faculty member and focusing on artistic goals, artistic integrity, professional ethics, professional organizations, finding and retaining work, negotiations for salary and benefits, and financial planning and management, culminating in a 30 minute interview and assessment.

    Prerequisite: THEA 3900


  • THEA 4910 - Senior Production Project

    This 1 credit hour elective course is designed to bring a capstone learning experience to a student; with increased responsibility by the student for the final product. Students will work with faculty and classmates to conceptualize and realize a costume, lighting, or scenic design; act as technical director, costume shop manager, director; or otherwise take part in the mounting of a full, student driven, Discovery Series production. Students will be required to present full documentation of the process. This will take the form of production documents, including, but not limited to- technical drawings, renderings, promptbook, rehearsal notes, performance reports, process and/or production photographs, and/or other documentation. Each project will be determined in the student’s junior year in THEA 3900.

    Prerequisite: THEA 3900 and permission of the department


  • THEA 4950 - Professional Theatre Technology Internship

    This internship serves as the capstone to the candidate’s training for the Theatre Technology Certificate. Each candidate must complete a minimum of 150 hours of work/study with a reputable and/or participating commercial theatre, scenic/lighting production shop, lighting installation/rental company, rigging installer, sound reinforcement or special events company. Each candidate will prepare and defend a portfolio and resume of work produced during the candidate’s training period. Each employer will prepare a written statement/evaluation of the work performed by the internist.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the Theatre Department


  • THS 3997 - Thesis Prospectus


  • THS 3998 - Thesis Research


  • THS 3999 - Thesis Writing & Defense


  • THS 4999 - Thesis Writing & Defense


  • UNIV 1000 - First-Year Seminar

    A two-credit hour course to stimulate students’ generation of ideas, depth of intellectual inquiry, and willingness to serve through an educational environment which encourages global-mindedness. Students will use undergraduate research, small-group discussion, and written communication to achieve more reflective understanding of themselves, the world around them, and their interactions with local and global communities. Various thematic topics will be presented; possible topics could include “The Basics of Undergraduate Research,” “Leadership Now!” “Who Moved My Cheese? How to Adapt in an Ever-changing World,” “The Psychology of Success,” “The Pursuit of Happiness,” among many others.


  • UNIV 1101 - Fundamentals of Academic Achievement

    This course is designed to provide first-year students and those experiencing academic difficulty with strategies for learning and enhancing academic performance. Topics will include but are not limited to: Growth mindset, time management, career exploration, critical thinking, learning strategies and information literacy. Students will examine their prior academic performance and create an individual enhancement plan with the guidance of the instructor.

    Prerequisite: Less than 30 total earned credit hours or approval from the Director of General Studies


  • UNIV 1300 - Managing Difficult Relationships

    This course will familiarize focus on domestic abuse and Title IX issues in an academic setting by teaching students about healthy relationships and how to recognize, escape, and survive domestic abuse.


  • UNIV 1500 - Independent Study

    A supervised research project under the guidance of UNIV faculty. The topic will be selected with approval of the instructor. The purpose of the course is to enable students the opportunity either to pursue more detailed study of the content of a prior course or to analyze a topic not currently covered in the student’s area of research interest. The course may also be an option for first- and second-year students who wish to undertake a pre-internship experience in a particular field of study. The course may be repeated for up to a total of 6 hours.


  • UNIV 1501 - Money Management

    This course will focus on helping students cultivate financial literacy by covering topics such as using monetary terms, navigating monetary systems, understanding behavioral finance, understanding different types of debt, and creating personal budgets for short-term and long-term needs.


  • UNIV 2001 - Career Planning

    This course will guide students through the career exploration and selection process and provide them the strategies necessary for informed career-related decision making. Students will participate in a variety of activities, including self-assessment, job search preparation, research into prospective majors and career fields, and forming a strategic plan for completing the career choice process.


  • UNIV 2002 - Peer Health Education

    Learn how to be a positive influence for your peers in regards to common health topics that many college students and adults face.


  • UNIV 3000 - Project Completion

    This course is designed for undergraduate students who have been issued a grade of IP (In Progress) to maintain UNG student status through project completion. Enrollment in UNIV 3000 is limited to students who have been issued a grade of IP and have completed all other degree requirements.


  • UNIV 3010 - Academic Internship

    This internship course is intended to provide students with the applied experience relevant to their coursework and career prospects. It may be used by students in majors which do not currently have an internship course in place. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0, have successfully completed 60 hours of academic credit, and have a declared major in order to participate. It is the student’s responsibility to secure an academic representative in his or her discipline to oversee the internship and to complete all required paperwork and assignments. A minimum of 120 hours must be spent at the internship site to receive the 3 hours of academic credit.



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