Feb 10, 2025
Fall 2019 - Summer 2020 Graduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
NDPT 7311 - Patient Care Skills I: Examination This course incorporates the knowledge and skills necessary for examination of patients leading to physical therapy diagnoses, prognoses and evaluation. Theory and techniques for measurement of physical therapy and physiological entities will include: obtaining medical history, palpation techniques, draping/positioning, screening for dysfunction in human systems (integumentary, cardiopulmonary, musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, and cognitive); vital signs tests, reflex assessment, manual muscle tests, muscle length tests, special tests, and range of motion/goniometry. Students will learn to discuss and document their examination findings. Reliability and validity of the measurements will be explored, with emphasis placed on precision of measurement, elimination of errors in testing, and accuracy of documentation. Activities will include a range of experiences, progressing from normal to pathological conditions, across the spectra of age, sex, culture, and race.
Hours: 4