2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
MDST 4000 - Acting for Camera II This course is designed to explore intermediate acting using several approaches from contemporary and classic acting disciplines. Students will cultivate skills in acting for camera, including analyzing, auditioning, improvisation, visualization, breathing, relaxation, and rehearsing techniques. Students will increase their self-confidence, cultivate their public speaking ability, and sharpen their ‘presence’. Students will continue to build the vocabulary and conceptual framework necessary to analyze and discuss film and media and will gain a broad awareness, understanding, and appreciation for the craft of acting. Students will apply these skills through auditioning and acting in short films, doing scene and monologue work, readings, script analysis, and group exercises.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: Prerequisite: MDST 3000
Hours: 3
Cross-listed THEA 4000