Feb 05, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
CRJU 4009L - Police Patrol and Traffic Investigation Lab The UNG Public Safety Academy (PSA) and Georgia Peace Officers Standards and Training Council (POST) Emergency Vehicle Operators Course (EVOC) lab is a 40-hour driver-training program that provides basic mandate recruits with the special driving skills required to operate a vehicle under very demanding police patrol conditions. Students receive classroom and hands-on driver training in two phases. Phase one instruction includes training in controlled braking, curved and straight backing up, serpentine, diablo skid vehicle, turns, parallel parking, crash avoidance techniques and precision driving skills. PSA students drive a specially prepared course, both before and after receiving instruction. The last day of EVOC is on the rural pursuit course. This exercise puts each of the students in a simulated pursuit-driving situation where they pursue EVOC instructors under controlled conditions. The students are required to perform divided attention tasks, such as two-way radio communication while avoiding any possible hazardous situations during the pursuit.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: Prerequisite: Admission to the UNG Public Safety Academy
Hours: 0