30 Hours
The Master of Science program in Spatial Data and Information Science (SDIS) will foster innovative scientists and researchers capable of advancing the frontiers of knowledge in spatial science and technology through cutting-edge theories and technologies, pioneering methodologies, sophisticated numerical analyses, and integrative applications. “Spatial data science can be viewed as a subset of generic ‘data science’ that focuses on the special characteristics of spatial data, i.e., the importance of ‘where’”. (Luc Anselin, 2019, “Spatial Data Science” in The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology). Spatial data scientists thus analyze the location, distance, and spatial interactions of data, and they examine why things happen where they happen. They often use geographic information system (GIS) technologies and other geospatial tools, but modern spatial science extends beyond GIS and includes the use of other data science technologies and integrative applications (https://carto.com/blog/postgis-day-future-gis/). Master’s students in the SDIS program will have the option to design their program of study and choose courses, seminars, and research topics from a wide range of options based on their specific areas of interest.
Admission Requirements
To qualify for regular admission to the M.S. in Spatial Data and Information Science program, an individual must meet all program admission requirements and hold an earned baccalaureate from a regionally accredited, four-year institution with at least a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 (4.0 scale), calculated in accordance with Graduate Admissions procedures, submit a GRE score, and meet all other admissions requirements. Meeting all admission requirements does not guarantee admission to the program. Final admission is a competitive process that takes all aspects of a student’s record into account.
To qualify for provisional admission, an individual must hold an earned baccalaureate from a regionally accredited, four-year institution with at least a cumulative grade point average of 2.50 (4.0 scale), calculated in accordance with Graduate Admissions procedures. Have received at least 280 (verbal and quantitative combined) on the GRE. Meet all other program admission requirements. Students admitted provisionally may register for no more than a maximum of nine semester hours of graduate credit while enrolled with this status. The number of semester hours in which a provisional student may enroll will be determined in consultation with the M.S. SDIS program coordinator. Provisionally admitted students who earn a grade of C or lower in any course taken during the provisional period will not be allowed to continue in the program. A student who has been removed because of a deficient grade may reapply after a period of three semesters from the date the student was removed by submitting to Graduate Admissions a letter of appeal addressed to the M.S. SDIS program coordinator and a new application for readmission.
Provisionally admitted students are not eligible for financial aid.