Feb 18, 2025  
Fall 2017 - Summer 2018 Graduate Catalog 
Fall 2017 - Summer 2018 Graduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Master of Science with a Major in Family Nurse Practitioner

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The University of North Georgia (UNG) offers a 46-semester-hour Master of Science with a major in Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) degree that prepares experienced registered nurses to sit for national certification as a family nurse practitioner and to qualify for advanced practice authorization in the state of Georgia. The program builds on the foundation of professional nursing practice to prepare advanced practice nurses to function in collaborative practice roles in primary care settings.

The curriculum is designed so that a student may progress through two years of study, or at an individualized pace, to complete 46 semester hours. Classes will be offered one day per week. Clinical courses will require 120 clinical hours each semester (an average of eight hours per week) and 240 clinical hours during the practicum semester.

Students will spend clinical hours in the rural primary care nursing courses with primary care preceptors. Primary care settings include family practice, pediatrics, and internal medicine. Students may not complete clinical hours in their place of employment. Students are encouraged to seek appropriate primary care practice settings in collaboration with the nursing faculty. Primary care practice settings will match the focus of the rural primary care nursing course for each semester and require faculty approval. Preceptors include nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, physicians, and physicians’ assistants in a variety of primary care settings. No more than two semesters of the clinical hours’ requirement may be completed at the same primary care practice during enrollment in the program. The program requires a minimum of 720 clinical contact hours during the clinical nursing sequence

A new cohort begins each summer semester. After the posted application deadline, complete application files for candidates will be reviewed, and the available student slots in the program will be filled. Individuals will be notified whether or not they are accepted in the MS degree program. Non-degree students may request permission to enroll in the core courses during an earlier semester on a space-available basis and with approval of the Nursing graduate coordinator. Enrollment in clinical courses is restricted to students who are admitted to the degree program.

For additional program information, call the Department of Nursing, 706-864-1489, or write to the Department of Nursing, Master of Science with a major in Family Nurse Practitioner, University of North Georgia, Dahlonega, GA 30597-1001.

Graduate Admissions Procedures

Application materials may be obtained from Graduate Admissions or from UNG’s website www.ung.edu/graduate/FNP. Applicants must pay a one-time, non-refundable application fee. When all application materials have been received by Graduate Admissions, the applicant will be notified, and a copy of all materials will be forwarded to the program.  After the posted application deadline and upon review, a letter from the program will be sent to the applicant verifying acceptance or denial. In some instances, the applicant may be requested to come to Dahlonega for an interview or testing.

Students who are admitted to UNG but do not enroll within three semesters of acceptance must reapply to the program by submitting to Graduate Admissions a new application for readmission. Students who were previously enrolled but have not been in attendance within the last three semesters must also reapply to the program by submitting to Graduate Admissions a new application for readmission. All documents and materials submitted to fulfill the application requirements for entry to a program at UNG become the property of the university and will not be returned.

FNP Professional Transitions Sequence: RN with a Non-Nursing Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree

An individual who holds an associate’s degree or a diploma in nursing, a current unencumbered Georgia registered nurse license, and holds either a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a non-nursing field of study may apply for the nursing professional transitions sequence for entry into the Master of Science with a major in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Nursing Professional Transitions Sequence is composed of two online courses:


Each course is five semester hours (four semester hours of didactic instruction, one semester hour of clinical instruction). Courses must be taken sequentially beginning fall semester of each year, and students must successfully complete courses (receive a grade of B or higher) prior to beginning any additional courses in the FNP degree program. In accordance with departmental policy, students may repeat a course in which they have been unsuccessful one time.

Note: the FNP Professional Transitions Sequence: RN with a non-nursing Bachelor’s or Master’s degree is not accepting applications for the 2016-2017 academic year.

FNP Admission Requirements

The following documents must be received prior to admission.

  1. Graduate Admissions application.
  2. Non-refundable application fee.
  3. Official transcripts  from all institutions of higher education previously attended. International transcripts must have a course-by-course credential evaluation by an independent evaluation service that is a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services, Inc. (NACES). Official evaluations must include certification that the applicant’s course work and degrees earned are equivalent to course work and degrees earned from a regionally accredited institution of higher education in the United States and include a cumulative grade point average.
  4. Proof of lawful presence in the United States, if applying for in-state tuition.

The following documents must be received prior to the first day of the initial semester for which the student is enrolled.

  1. Copy of Georgia registered nurse (RN) license.
  2. Proof of FNP student liability.
  3. Completed accident/illness waiver form.
  4. Evidence of current CPR certification.
  5. Criminal background check.
  6. Completed Department of Nursing Medical form. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure all requirements are up to date.

Students who have not submitted all of the above documentation prior to the first day of the semester will not be allowed to attend until all documentation has been received.

Students are responsible for all course material and for all announcements and assignments. The decision to permit students to make up work that is required in any missed class resides with the instructor.

Regular Admission

To qualify for regular admission, an individual must:

  1. Hold an earned Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) from a regionally accredited, four year institution with a nationally accredited school of nursing with at least a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 calculated in accordance with Graduate Admissions procedures.
  2. One to two years post-licensure clinical work experience in the United States recommended.
  3. Current unencumbered Georgia registered nurse license.

Provisional Admission

An applicant failing to meet one or more of the requirements for regular admission may be eligible for provisional admission, if space in the program is available, for up to one semester under conditions specified at the time of admission. 

To qualify for provisional admission, an individual must hold an earned Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) from a regionally accredited, four year institution with a nationally accredited school of nursing with at least a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 calculated in accordance with Graduate Admissions procedures.

Student status will be reviewed to determine eligibility for regular admission following the completion of one semester. Provisionally admitted students who earn a grade of C or lower in any graduate level nursing course taken during the provisional period or who do not obtain a current unencumbered Georgia registered nurse license during the provisional period will not be allowed to continue in the FNP program. Provisionally admitted students may not enroll in any rural primary care clinical courses. A student who has been dismissed because of a deficient grade may reapply to the program after a period of three semesters from the date the student was dismissed by submitting to Graduate Admissions a letter of appeal addressed to the Nursing graduate coordinator and a new application for readmission.

Provisionally admitted students are not eligible for financial aid.

Non-Degree Admission

An individual who is interested in taking graduate nursing courses, but who does not want to pursue a graduate degree, may apply for admission as a non-degree graduate student. Individuals must receive pre-approval from the program coordinator before enrolling in courses and may register for no more than a maximum of nine semester hours of graduate credit.

The following documents must be received prior to admission.

  1. Graduate Admissions application.
  2. Non-refundable application fee.
  3. Official transcripts from all institutions of higher education previously attended documenting completion of a baccalaureate from a regionally accredited, four-year institution with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 calculated in accordance with Graduate Admissions procedures. Official international transcripts must have a foreign course-by-course credential evaluation by an independent evaluation service that is a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services, Inc. (NACES). Transcripts must include certification that the applicant has received a baccalaureate from a regionally accredited institution with a minimum grade point average of 3.0.
  4. Proof of lawful presence in the United States, if applying for in-state tuition.

Enrollment in clinical courses is restricted to students who are admitted to the degree program. Students enrolled in clinical courses will be required to submit additional documentation prior to the first day of the semester.

A non-degree admitted student who earns a grade of C or lower in any graduate Nursing course taken while holding a non-degree status will not be allowed to further enroll in coursework in the FNP program. A student removed because of a deficient grade may reapply to the program after a period of three semesters from the date the student was removed by submitting to Graduate Admissions a letter of appeal addressed to the Dean of the College of Health Sciences & Professions and a new application for readmission.

A non-degree student wishing to apply for admission to the MS degree program must notify the Nursing graduate coordinator, submit a new application to Graduate Admissions, and meet all program admission requirements. No more than nine semester hours of graduate credit earned while holding a non-degree status may subsequently be applied toward meeting the requirements of the MS degree program. All credit to be applied toward a degree must be approved by the Nursing graduate coordinator. 

Non-degree students are not eligible for financial aid.

Transient Student Admission

An individual currently enrolled at a regionally accredited college or university as a graduate student in good standing may apply to UNG as a transient student. Individuals must receive pre-approval from the program coordinator before enrolling in courses. The Nursing graduate coordinator may require the applicant to submit a transcript of previous college work in order to verify adequate prerequisite knowledge/skills. Requests will be considered on a space available basis.

The following documents must be received prior to admission.

  1. Graduate Admissions application.
  2. Non-refundable application fee.
  3. Letter of good standing or transient permission form documenting that the student is not on academic probation or suspension or on disciplinary suspension at his/her home institution. The letter or form should state that the student is in good standing and should indicate the course(s) the student is being allowed to take at UNG.
  4. Proof of lawful presence in the United States, if applying for in-state tuition.

Transient admission is for one semester only. An individual who wishes to return to UNG as a transient student for a subsequent semester must apply to Graduate Admissions for readmission.

Appeal of Graduate Admission

A candidate whose application is denied because the graduate admission cumulative grade point average is below the minimum requirement for the program has the right to appeal the decision. An appeal must be made in written form to the Department of Nursing, Nursing Progression and Retention Committee, University of North Georgia, Dahlonega, GA 30597-1001. The letter should clearly state the grounds for appeal. A student whose appeal is accepted will be admitted provisionally and is not eligible for financial aid while enrolled under this status. Students may not appeal for regular admission status.

FNP Transfer Residency Requirement

To be awarded a Master of Science with a major in Family Nurse Practitioner degree, students must earn a minimum of 24 semester hours of graduate degree requirements in residence. The Nursing graduate coordinator and the Dean of the College of Health Sciences & Professions must approve all transfer credit. Transfer credit will not be given for any course in which a grade of C or lower was earned.  To apply for transfer credit, a student must complete the transfer of graduate credit form (myUNG password required) and submit the form to the Nursing graduate coordinator for approval.

FNP Academic Policies

Academic Progression

For purposes of retention and progression in the MS degree program, graduate nursing students progress through the program of study as long as a minimum of a B is earned in each graduate course. Course grades are comprised of the theory or didactic component, the lab component, and the clinical or preceptorship component. A satisfactory (S) in clinical or preceptorship must be achieved for the student to earn a grade of B or higher. Also, exams must average a minimum of 75 prior to other grades being added or averaged into the course grade. If less than a 75 average on exams is earned, the student will receive a C or lower for the course and must repeat the course, if eligible to do so.

Incomplete Grades

The FNP program adheres to the uniform grading system in the Academic Information  section of the Graduate Catalog. No student carrying two Incomplete grades may enroll in additional course work without the written consent of the Nursing graduate coordinator. No degree will be conferred on a student who has an unresolved Incomplete grade remaining on his/her transcript.

Academic Standing Policy

Graduate nursing students whose academic performance is unsatisfactory will be subject to the following:

  1. Probation – A student will be placed on probation for any of the following reasons:
    a. Student’s cumulative grade point average falls below 3.0.
    b. Student earns a U or any other grade of C or lower.

    No student may be a candidate for the degree or sit for the comprehensive examination while on probation due to a grade point average below a 3.0. Probation will be removed when the student’s grade point average reaches 3.0 or higher. In cases where the student is placed on probation due to grade(s), probation will be removed when the course(s) is/are repeated and the grade is S or B or above, and the overall grade point average is 3.0 or greater. Students who are on probation may not register until advised.
  2. Suspension – A degree seeking student will be suspended from the FNP program for any of the following reasons:
    a. Student earns two grades of C or lower.
    b. Student earns two U’s.
    c. Has already served three consecutive semesters on academic probation.

The period of suspension will consist of three semesters. No student may enroll in graduate courses at UNG while on suspension. Courses taken at another institution during the period of suspension will not be recognized for transfer credit. If suspended, a student may reapply to the program after a period of three semesters from the date the student was suspended by submitting to Graduate Admissions a letter addressed to the Dean of the College of Health Sciences & Professions presenting a rationale for readmission and a new application for readmission. The student will be readmitted only upon approval of the Dean of the College of Health Sciences & Professions and the Nursing graduate coordinator.

Students who believe that their academic progress was affected by extenuating circumstances may appeal their suspensions to the Nursing Progression and Retention Committee.

Academic and Professional Integrity Policy

At the end of each semester, the program faculty or the Nursing graduate coordinator may intervene to establish a plan of action for any student in the program whose competency is in question for reasons including unprofessional, disruptive, or unethical behavior in the classroom or applied setting. The plan should be signed by the student and the Nursing graduate coordinator with copies forwarded to the Dean of the College of Health Sciences & and Professions.

Academic Integrity

The University of North Georgia recognizes honesty and integrity as being necessary to the academic functioning of the university. UNG graduate students are expected to uphold the university regulations addressed in the Student Code of Conduct, Article 3, Rule 2.

Professional Integrity

The Master of Science with a Major in Family Nurse Practitioner program adheres to the university’s definition of professional integrity as described in the Academic Information   section of the Graduate Catalog.

FNP Degree Requirements

Graduation requirements for the Master of Science with a major in Family Nurse Practitioner include:

  1. Completion of 46 designated semester hours of study.
  2. Cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher, with no grade of C or lower.
  3. Satisfactory clinical performance in each clinical course.
  4. Completion of the clinical primary care thesis/research project.
  5. Successful completion of a written comprehensive examination.
  6. Completion of at least 24 semester hours of graduate degree requirements in residence.
  7. Completion of all degree-related course requirements, including any transfer credit, within a six-year period.

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