Feb 06, 2025  
2012-2013 Gainesville State College Catalog 
2012-2013 Gainesville State College Catalog [Archived Catalog]


Click on any of the following links for information:

Please Note

The statements set forth in this catalog are for informational purposes only and should not be construed as the basis of a contract between a student and this institution. While every effort will be made to insure accuracy of the material stated herein, Gainesville State College reserves the right to change any provision listed in this catalog, including but not limited to academic requirements for graduation, curricula, course offerings, and academic regulations without actual notice to individual students. Every effort will be made to keep students advised of such changes. Students should refer to our web site at www.gsc.edu for the most recent update of our catalog.

Admission requirements change periodically in response to changes mandated by the University System of Georgia Board of Regents (USG) or Gainesville State College (GSC). Prospective students are encouraged to check the GSC website for updates on the admissions process.

GSC operates under the philosophy that all students who desire an education beyond high school and who have demonstrated the ability to take advantage of such an opportunity should have that chance. The College recognizes a need for career preparation as well as the pursuit of two-year and four-year college-level work. The College’s admission policies reflect this understanding.

Applicants are reviewed on the basis of their qualifications and evaluated with their potential in mind. GSC complies with the Civil Rights Act of 1991 and is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity institution. Admission and employment are not influenced by race, sex, color, religion, national origin, or handicap.

The Admissions Office is located in the Student Center Building on the Gainesville Campus and in the Administration Building on the Oconee Campus.

General Admission Procedures


Applicants must complete and submit all required forms and credentials to GSC by the established semester deadline. Because the College may find it necessary to stop accepting applications for a specific semester, students are encouraged to apply or update their applications well in advance of the deadline. Late applications may be considered at the discretion of the Director of Admissions. The following items are required of all applicants:

  1. Completed application for admission and a non-refundable, application processing fee of $35 with paper application or $25 with on-line application. Applications may be requested from the Admissions Office at the Gainesville Campus, the Administration Building at the Oconee Campus, or on-line.
  2. Official high school or official GED Scores and/or college transcripts. Documents must be mailed directly from the sending institution or sent electronically to the Admissions Office . OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPTS OR TEST SCORES MUST BE IN A SEALED ENVELOPE OR SENT ELECTRONICALLY FROM ORIGINATING AGENCY.
  3. SAT/ACT Scores.  See admissions requirements for specific applicant type - not required of all applicants.
  4. Social Security number. Applications for Social Security numbers may be obtained from any United States Post Office. International (F-1) students and undocumented students are not required to have a social security number.
  5. Certificate of Immunization. Certificates may be obtained from the Admissions Office, or a copy may be printed on-line.
  6. Please note: All applicants who have graduated from high school outside of the U.S. who were educated in a language other than English, must submit official TOEFL scores for admission consideration.
  7. University System of Georgia requires that each University System institution verify the lawful presence in the United States of every successfully admitted person applying for resident tuition status.  Please click here for complete details on this policy and how to satisfy the requirement.

Final acceptance or denial of each applicant is determined by the Director of Admissions, subject to the applicant’s right of appeal as provided by the policies of the College and the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. Applicants will be notified of in the admission decision when the application process is completed. Delays in evaluation will occur if application materials are received in several segments and/or if the applicant must be reminded to submit certain documents.

The College reserves the right to rescind admission prior to or following enrollment if the applicant/student becomes ineligible as determined by the standards of the College and/or Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.

Students with disabilities should apply as soon as possible before their desired semester of enrollment if they need special accommodations. To determine eligibility requirements, please contact the Office of Disability Services.

An application is valid only for the semester for which it is submitted. If the student has attended another college in the interim, an official transcript must be sent directly from that college to the Admissions Office at the Gainesville Campus.

Application Fee Waiver - Students with approved application fee waivers may NOT apply on-line. Contact the GSC Office of Admissions at 678-717-3641 for a paper application, or you may download an application from our website.

Admissions Classifications



Definition:  Students with no prior college work who have earned a high school diploma from an accredited school or who have passed the GED.

Admission Requirements

Freshman applicants graduation from accredited high schools or accredited home school programs within the last 5 years must:

  • Submit official transcript with the 17 (16 for studnents graduating 2011 or earlier)
  • Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) units presented.   

For a comprehensive list of the University System of Georgia’s subject area curriculum requirements pleas review the USG Staying on Course publication.

  • Applicants who do not complete all curriculum requirements in the 5 academic subject areas may be eligible for provisional admission into Gainesville State College.  Those who are deficient in the areas of English and/or mathematics will be required to meet COMPASS testing requirements.  If admitted, these students must make up their deficiencies according to established guidelines
  • Submit official standardized test (SAT or ACT) scores.
  • Pass all portions of the Georgia High School Graduation Test or appropriate End of Course Test if graduating from a public Georgia high school.
  • Have a Freshman Index (FI) of 1640 or higher.
    • The FI is a calculation based on the formulas below and includes the applicant’s high school academic Grade Point Average (GPA) and standardized test scores.
    • SAT FI = (HS GPA x 500) + SAT Critical Reading + SAT Math
    • ACT FI = (HS GPA x 500) + (ACT Composite x 42) + 88
  • Meet COMPASS testing requirements if standardized test scores are below the following:
    • SAT = Critical Reading: 480 Math: 460
    • ACT = English: 21 Math: 19

Gainesville State College administers the Institutional ACT.  For information, please click here.

Students, who are graduates of non-accredited high schools or home school programs, please click here for freshman admission criteria.


Freshman applicants who completed the General Education Development (GED) Exam and whose high school graduating class graduated within the last 5 years must:

  • Submit official GED score report showing all sections passed.

Applicants will be considered deficient in all Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) subject areas not completed at an accredited high school.  Please submit official high school transcripts to demonstrate RHSC completion.  For a comprehensive list of the University System of Georgia’s subject area curriculum requirements please review the USG Staying on Course publication. If admitted these students must make up their defficiencies according to established guidelines.   

  • Submit official standardized test (SAT or ACT) SCORES.
  • Meet COMPASS testing requirements Admissions Requirements Effective Fall 2012.

A student who presents the GED is expected to at least be 18 years of age and for his/her high school class to have graduated.  However, should the student in possession of the GED be younger than 18 or from a class not graduated, the institution is permitted to make an exception on a case-by-case basis.

 Please note: Official transcripts or test scores must be in a sealed envelope from the originating agency or submitted through GAcollege411.

  • Freshmen must have either a High School Diploma or GED. There are no exceptions. Students who have a Certificate of Performance or a Special Education Diploma are not considered to be high school graduates. 
  • Each student will be evaluated to determine satisfactory completion of the 17 units of the USG College Preparatory Curriculum (see below).

The following high school courses are minimum requirements for College Preparatory Curriculum (CPC) completion:

Course (Units) Instructional Emphasis
English (4) Grammar and usage
  Literature (American and World)
  Advanced Composition skills
Mathematics (4) Two courses/units in Algebra (I and II) and one in Geometry
  *Fourth Math must be higher level than Algebra II.
Science (4) Physical Science or Physics
  Laboratory Sciences
  Other Approved Sciences
Social Science (3) American History
  World History
  Other Approved Social Science
Foreign Language (2) Skill-building courses (units)
Two credits of the same language Emphasizing speaking, listening, reading, and writing.


Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) Acceptance

Students who do not meet the minimum SAT/ACT minimums for full freshman admission or who have RHSC deficiencies will be required to take the appropriate sections of the COMPASS Exam prior to registration in order to determine specific requirements for remediation in reading, English and mathematics.  These students must make up their RHSC deficiencies according to established guidelines.  Students who are granted provisional admission may satisfy RHSC deficiencies as follows:

Area of Deficiency Prescribed Remediation
English The student must pass COMPASS placement tests in Reading and English or complete Learning Support Reading and English
Mathematics The student must pass the COMPASS placement test in Mathematics or complete Learning Support Mathematics.
Science The student must complete one of the following courses along with its corresponding laboratory course: BIOL 1101, BIOL 1102, CHEM 1151, ESCI 1101, GEOG 1111, GEOL 1250, or GSCI 1101.
Social Science The student must complete HIST 1111, HIST 1112, HIST 1121, HIST 1122, or ECON 1100 with a grade “C” or higher.
Foreign Language The student must complete FREN 1001, GRMN 1001, JAPN 1001, RUSS 1001, or SPAN 1001 with a grade of “C” or higher.

All RHSC deficiencies must be made up before the student has earned 20 semester hours of college-level credit. College courses taken to satisfy RHSC deficiencies cannot be used to fulfill Core Curriculum or degree requirements, but they are calculated in the cumulative grade point average. The academic record of transfer students who satisfy RHSC requirements at another University System of Georgia institution will acknowledge that the requirements are met.


Definition:  Applicants who have attended other colleges

Applicants who have attended other colleges are classified as transfer students. Students admitted from other colleges are required to meet all general requirements regarding examinations and application deadlines.

  • must request that an official transcript be sent directly to the Admissions Officer of Gainesville State College from EACH college or university previously attended.  Official transcripts are required whether or not the applicant wishes to receive transfer credit.  Documents must be mailed directly from the other college to the Gainesville State College Admissions Office.
  • who graduated from high school during the last five years and have earned fewer than 30 semester hours of transferable college credit must also submit official high school transcripts or satisfied requirements for the General Education Development (GED) Equivalency Certificate and satisfy College Preparatory Curriculum requirements.  Students must submit official SAT or ACT test scores in order to be considered for admission.  GED test score reports must be mailed directly from the Georgia Department of Adult and Technical Education Office of Adult Literacy/GED Testing Service or sent electronically to the Office of Admissions at Gainesville State College. Please take note that processing of official GED transcript requests from the Georgia Department of Adult and Technical Education can take up to four weeks.
  • who have graduated from high school five or more years ago and have earned fewer than 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours of transferable college credit must submit official high school transcripts or satisfied requirements for the General Education Development (GED) Equivalency Certificate but are not required to satisfy Required High School College Preparatory Curriculum requirements.  GED test score reports must be mailed directly from the Georgia Department of Adult and Technical Education Office of Adult Literacy/GED Testing Service to the Office of Admissions of Gainesville State College.  Please take note that processing of official GED transcript requests from the Georgia Department of Adult and Technical Education can take up to four weeks.

Transfer credit is usually awarded for courses that are designed to be part of a baccalaureate degree program and are completed with satisfactory grades in regionally accredited colleges. Such courses must generally correspond to the length, time, and content of those offered in the curricula at Gainesville State College.

Transfer students are required to earn a grade of “C” or higher in English 1101 and 1102 (or equivalents) in order for these courses to transfer. Other courses earned at regionally accredited institutions may be permitted to transfer with grades of “D.”  All “D” grades in Core Curriculum courses taken within the University System of Georgia are transferable, with the exception of English 1101 and 1102.  If, however, GSC requires a minimum grade of “C” or higher in any course, including courses that meet prerequisite requirements, the transfer students with a “D” in that course must retake it to meet GSC requirements.

Transfer applicants who have fewer than 30 semester or 45 quarter hours of transferable college credit must submit high school transcripts or official GED scores, in addition to all college transcripts, and must satisfy RHSC requirements if the applicants graduated from high school within the last five years.

Applicants on academic suspension, dismissal, or exclusion at the last college or university attended are required to serve a one-semester suspension before they are considered for admission to GSC. Students on Learning Support dismissal from another University System of Georgia institution are not admissible until one year after their dismissal or until they have earned 30 semester hours including course(s) satisfying the Learning Support area from which they were suspended. If transfer admission is granted before final grades are received by the Admissions Office and a supplemental transcript shows that the student has been suspended, the student’s acceptance to GSC will be rescinded until he or she serves the required one-semester suspension. Accepted transfer students who are not in good academic standing at their previous colleges or universities must maintain the minimum grade point average specified under the Academic Standing heading in the Academic Information section of this Catalog.


Students who complete Learning Support Reading, English, and/or Mathematics at another USG institution are exempt from that/those area(s) at GSC. Those students who begin Learning Support courses but do not complete them at another USG institution are placed in the equivalent courses at GSC.

Terms of enrollment in Learning Support courses at another USG are counted toward the maximum allowed for completion of GSC Learning Support courses. If transfer applicants have more than the maximum number of attempts allowed at GSC, those applicants will not be accepted.

Any students who have been placed on Learning Support Suspension from another USG institution may be considered for admission to GSC at the end of the one year suspension in accordance with University System Policy.

Students who transfer in fewer than 30 semester hours of college credit are subject to all the requirements of entering freshmen. Students who transfer in 30 semester or more hours of college credit are exempt from RHSC requirements, but if they do not transfer in a college course for which a Learning Support course is a prerequisite, they are subject to COMPASS testing and placement if they have not completed the Learning Support requirement at the prior institution.

At GSC, students with Learning Support requirements are not allowed transient permission to enroll in Learning Support courses at other institutions nor does GSC permit transient students to enroll in GSC Learning Support courses.

Adult Learners

Definition:  Adults who graduated from high school or whose graduating class completed high school five or more years ago.

Individuals who have not been enrolled in an accredited high school within the past five years may be considered non-traditional.  Applicants must either have graduated from an accredited high school or satisfied requirements for the GED.  Non-traditional students are exempt from RHSC requirements.

  • must not have attended high school in the previous five years.
  • must request to have an official transcript of all high school work completed or official GED results (if applicable) sent directly to the Admissions Office.  GED test score reports must be mailed directly from the Georgia Department of Adult and Technical Education Office of Adult Literacy/GED Testing Service.  Please take note that processing of official GED transcript requests from the Georgia Department of Adult and Technical Education can take up to four weeks.
  • whose names on transcripts and immunization records differ from their current names should make sure all documentation submitted includes their current names.

Non-traditional applicants are required to take the COMPASS Exam in reading, English, and mathematics before they register for courses. The COMPASS Exam screens students for possible remediation and is given by the College at no charge to the student.

Non-traditional students who completed a home school high school curriculum must supply documentation listed in the Home School section below with the exception of SAT/ACT test requirements.


Freshmen who did not graduate from an accredited high school but who have passed the GED, may be eligible for admission to GSC. Applicants are required to submit official GED score reports. Students who have completed some RHSC requirements while enrolled in high school may submit official high school transcripts for evaluation. GED recipients will be considered deficient in all RHSC areas not completed at an accredited high school. These students are not eligible for admissions consideration until their class would have graduated from high school.

GED recipients may submit official SAT or ACT scores to be considered for admission.


An applicant who completed high school graduation requirements under a home school program or graduated from a non-accredited high school may be considered for admission.

According to the policies of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, an applicant whose SAT combined (Critical Reading plus Mathematics) score is at or above the average SAT score of the previous year’s fall semester first-time freshman admitted to the USG institution to which he or she is applying and who has completed the equivalent of each of the RHSC areas as documented by a portfolio of work and/or other evidence that substantiates RHSC completion qualifies for consideration for admission.  Only nationally administered SAT/ACT test scores will be accepted.  Test scores must come directly from the issuing agency.  Photocopies of score reports will not be accepted.


Move on When Ready provides eligible students the opportunity to enroll full-time in college or university prior to their high school graduation and to take courses which result in both college and high school credit. The tuition and eligible fees for students participating in Move on When Ready are provided through the high school full-time equivalent program count.  The Move on When Ready Program is intended as another option for 11th and 12th graders in addition to other regular dual enrollment programs, residential programs, early college, career academies, and charter schools.

Students interested in participating in the program will be required to meet the following criteria:

  • Be at least a high school junior or senior in a public high school
  • Have a 530 Critical Reading and 530 Math on the SAT or have a 23 English and 22 Math on the ACT
  • Have a minimum high school academic Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.5

The admissions process for MOWR is the same as all other types of admission to GSC.  An application for admission with the accompanying application fee, official transcripts, and standardized test scores must all be received by the application and document deadline.  Proof of immunization is required before a student is permitted to register for classes.  Students admitted to GSC through MOWR will be offered priority registration through MOWR academic advisors.  MOWR students should refer to their letter of acceptance from the Admissions Office for contact information for MOWR academic advisors.


The ACCEL Program is designed for high school juniors and seniors enrolled in accredited Georgia public or private high schools who wish to enter college and earn college credit while they complete their junior and/or senior year of high school.

Under ACCEL regulations, students may simultaneously receive high school Carnegie unit credits and college credit hours. ACCEL funding will apply only to the five RHSC areas (English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, and Foreign Language). ACCEL applicants must have prior approval from their parents or guardian, high school counselor or principal, and must be enrolled in an accredited high school. Interested students should contact their high school counselor.

All ACCEL applicants should be on track to complete the Required High School Curriculum. Their high school grade point average (as calculated by the College on academic subjects only) must be at least 3.0. ACCEL applicants are also required to submit official college entrance examination scores. Minimum scores for ACCEL admission are:

  • 480 Critical Reading and 460 Math on the SAT or 21 English and 19 Mathematics on the ACT; and
  • at least 970 combined SAT, or ACT composite score of at least 21

Documentation required for ACCEL status includes:

  • Completed application for admission as an ACCEL student with the appropriate application fee. ACCEL students are encouraged to apply on-line;
  • High school transcript with an academic grade point average of at least 3.0;
  • SAT or ACT scores as specified above (Test scores must come directly from the issuing agency or on an official high school transcript.  Photocopies of score reports will not be accepted);
  • Letter of permission from parent or legal guardian;
  • Completed Certificate of Immunization.
  • Verification of Lawful Presence.

In addition to applying to GSC, students who are participating in the ACCEL program must also complete the ACCEL application through the Georgia Student Finance Commission. Information on the ACCEL Program, its Requirements, and Limitations can be found at www.gsfc.org.





Home schooled students who participate in an accredited home school program, as recognized by the USG, will meet the same admission criteria as all other students applying for Joint Enrollment:

  • 480 Verbal and 460 Math on the SAT or 21 English and 19 Mathematics on the ACT and at least 970 combined SAT critical reading and math, or ACT composite score of at least 21;

  • Minimum cumulative high school grade point average of 3.0 or higher in courses taken from the required 17 RHSC units;

  • Exemption of all Learning Support requirements for early admission;

  • Written consent of parent or guardian if the student is a minor;

  • On track towards the completion of the USG 17-unit RHSC requirements and high school graduation.


Home schooled students who participate in a non-accredited home school program or non-accredited private school are required to meet the following criteria in order to be eligible for admission:

  • Minimum SAT score of 530 Critical Reading and 530 Mathematics sections, or ACT 23 English and 22 Math.

  • Minimum cumulative high school grade point average of 3.0 or higher in courses taken from the required 17 RHSC units.

  • Exemption of all LS requirements for early admission

  • Written consent of parent or guardian

  • On track towards the completion of the University System of Georgia 17-unit RHSC requirements and high school graduation.            


Students currently attending another college or university and who wish to attend GSC for one semester and then return to their home institution may apply for temporary admission and registration at GSC as transient students.  These students expect to return to the colleges or universities in which they were previously enrolled to complete degree requirements at those institutions.  Transient students are not permitted to enroll in Learning Support courses.

  • Transient students must present a written statement from the Registrar or designated school official at their institution recommending admission as a transient student and that they are eligible to re-enroll.
  • Transient students who plan to enroll at Gainesville State College for more than one semester will be required to complete a new application for admission and supply appropriate documentation for each desired transient semester.
  • Enrollment as a transient student is limited to one semester. Students who wish to apply for a second transient semester will be required to complete an application for readmission and furnish an updated transient permission letter from the designated school official of their home college by the designated application deadline. 
  • Transient students who decide to transfer to Gainesville State College to pursue their educational goals must apply for readmission for the desired semester and comply with admission requirements for transfer students. Former Gainesville State College transient students do not pay an application processing fee when they reapply for admission.


GSC welcomes students from other countries. The presence of international students fosters cultural exchange, which can be beneficial to the student body and to the community at large. International students may enroll in any program of study offered at GSC. The College has no residence halls; therefore, international students must make their own arrangements for living accommodations and transportation.

International students must pay non-resident fees unless such fees are waived. Fee waivers are awarded upon admission based on availability. Students receiving fee waivers must maintain their F-1 immigration status, have a GPA of at least 2.5 and volunteer in an office on campus seven hours per week. Prior to being issued an I-20, international applicants must present documented evidence that they have sufficient funds to meet their educational and living expenses for one academic year. Currently students must provide official bank documentation verifying that at least $16,500 USD are available to cover necessary expenses.

International applicants must submit the following credentials by the following dates for the specified semester:

Fall - May 1; Spring - October 1; Summer - April 1.

  • Completed International application for admission with the appropriate nonrefundable, one time only application processing fee. (The application fee must be paid with U.S. currency, check, or money order. International applicants must also complete and submit the paper International Application for Admission). International applications are available for download at www.gsc.edu or may be requested through the Admissions Office.
  • Sworn affidavit(s) of support from financial sponsor(s) if the student is not self supporting. Each affidavit must include the maximum dollar amount that the sponsor will provide.
  • Letter from sponsor’s (or student’s) bank showing that funds are available for one year of support (at least $16,500 USD for tuition and fees, books, living expenses, insurance, and transportation). Bank statements are not sufficient. Funds must be reported in U.S. dollars or in U.S. dollar equivalents, and information reported must be no more than six months old.
  • Original or certified true copies of all secondary school and college records with a verified English translation. Records must include courses taken and grades earned. Students who have completed coursework at a foreign college or university must provide a course-by-course translation of foreign transcripts prepared by a U.S. based credential evaluation agency, such as World Education Services, Inc. (www.wes.org) or Josef Silny & Associates, Inc. (www.jsilny.com) in order to have that coursework considered for credit at Gainesville State College.
  • Official score of at least 480 (paper-based test), 157 (computer-based test), or 55 (Internet-based test) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) proficiency exam if English is not the native language. Photocopies of the TOEFL score will not be accepted.
  • International students attending Gainesville State College must pay non-resident fees.  F-1 students must also pay for mandatory health insurance and an institutional SEVIS fee each semester of enrollment.  Health insurance is currently $70.00 per month and the SEVIS fee is $100.00 per semester.
  • Completed Certificate of Immunization. Immunizations must be administered within the United States unless documented on a World Health Organization immunization form.
  • International students DO NOT qualify for financial aid.  It is very important for an international student to understand s/he is responsible for paying their own tuition, fees, books, and living expenses.  Only Permanent Residents and U.S. citizens can file for financial aid.

Applicants are informed of the admission decision after all academic credentials are reviewed. An I-20 Form will be issued only after the student has been accepted into the College. International students with student (F-1) visas are required to be full-time students (at least 12 semester hours) for Fall and Spring Semesters of the academic year. F-1 students whose first semester of enrollment is the Summer must take 12 semester hours as well. The College is required to notify the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (USICE) Service whenever a student’s course load drops below full-time status.

Students whose native language is not English must take the COMPASS college placement exam in the areas required. Placement in Learning Support or ESL courses may lengthen the student’s degree program.

All international students are required to report to the International Admissions Counselor within two weeks of their arrival and have their passports, I-20, and Arrival-Departure Records photocopied and placed in the admission files. This procedure is required by the USICE and facilitates the replacement of lost documents.


Students who have earned an academic associate degree or higher from a regionally accredited college (not an associate in applied science/technology) and who wish to take courses at Gainesville State College without pursuing a Gainesville State College degree, may be classified as special students. These students are required to complete an application for admission, submit proof of degree (official transcript), a completed Certificate of Immunization and submit proof of Verfication of Lawful Presence. Should a special student subsequently wish to earn a Gainesville State College degree, he/she must submit a re-application for admission as a transfer student and provide official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended.


Persons wishing to attend regular college classes without credit may apply for admission as auditors. These students are required to complete an application for admission and submit proof of high school completion, or GED score report that satisfies the minimum requirements of the State of Georgia, or college degree from a regionally accredited college, completed Certificate of Immunization and submit proof of Verification of Lawful Presence.  Audit students are not required to take the SAT or ACT or to meet the College Preparatory Curriculum requirements.  Regular tuition and fees apply to these students. Auditors fully participate in their courses, except that examinations are not required. No grades are issued and no credit is granted upon completion of the courses, nor may students receive retroactive credit at any later time as auditors for courses completed. To receive credit later, students must register again for the same course(s) on a credit basis. Auditors are not allowed to change from an audit to a credit status once classes have begun. To change from an audit to a credit status, students must submit the appropriate documentation to the Admissions Office and take the COMPASS placement tests, if required. A student who is required to take Learning Support courses in an area may not register as an auditor in any such course in that area.


According to the provisions of Amendment 23 to the Georgia Constitution, the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia established the following rules with respect to enrollment in colleges of the University System of persons aged 62 or older:

  • Applicants must be legal residents of Georgia, 62 years of age or older at the time of registration, and must present a birth certificate or other comparable written documentation of age to enable the Admissions Office to determine eligibility.
  • Students may enroll as regular students in courses offered for resident credit on a space available basis without payment of tuition and fees. Students must pay associated course fees, supply fees, laboratory fees, book fees, etc.
  • Applicants must meet all University System and institutional admission requirements, including high school record, official transcripts from all colleges previously attended, and completed Certificate of Immunization.

Degree seeking students must meet all institutional, University System, and state-legislated degree requirements, including the Regent’s Exam and instruction or exams in American and Georgia history and the federal and state constitutions.

Readmission of Former GSC Students



Previously enrolled students who have been out of GSC for no more than two consecutive semesters (including Summer) and who have not enrolled in another college or university in the interim may return to GSC without having to re-apply. These students, if they choose, will be eligible to go through advisement and pre-registration.

Students first entering GSC prior to Spring Quarter 1998, and applying for readmission after Summer Semester 2007, will no longer be eligible to graduate under quarter system requirements and must meet semester degree requirements.

Students who must re-apply:

  • Students who have not been registered at GSC for three or more semesters, including the Summer Semester.

  • All transient students must apply each semester.  Former students who leave the College prior to completing Learning Support requirements will not be allowed to return to the college as transient students from another college unless they have completed credit level coursework in the area of the existing Learning Support requirements.

  • Students who have attended any other institution during their absence from GSC. These students are classified as transfer students even if they have attended GSC previously.  These students must submit official transcripts from all colleges attended since they last attended GSC.

    Requirements for readmission:

  • Please refer to our application for readmission to avoid paying an additional application fee at this time.

  • If you decide to complete and submit the electronic application instead, you will be required to submit the $25 fee.

  • Former students must apply for readmission by the established deadline.

  • Former students who have attended another college or university in the interim must submit official transcripts of all colleges attended since last attending GSC. A student who has previously paid the application fee will not be required to pay the fee again at this time.

Application Fee Waiver: Students with approved application fee waivers may NOT apply on-line. Contact the GSC Office of Admissions at 678-717-3641 for a paper application, or you may download an application from the website.

Admission Requirements to Baccalaureate Degree Programs 


GSC offers baccalaureate degrees in the areas of Education; Business; Natural Sciences, Engineering & Technology; and Fine Arts.


Students must complete all GSC general institutional requirements and declare a major in Applied Environmental Spatial Analysis.


Students must complete all GSC general institutional requirements and declare a major in Design and Technology for Theatre.


Students wishing to complete a degree in Early Childhood Education must first complete the requirements for an Associate of Science (AS) in Early Childhood Education or equivalent and make separate application to the Department of Health, Education and Wellness.  Admission to this program is competitive.


Students wishing to complete a degree in Early Childhood Care and Education must first complete the requirements for an Associate of Science (AS) in Early Childhood Care and Education or equivalent and make separate application to the Department of Health, Education and Wellness.  Admission to this program is competitive.


Students wishing to complete a degree in Technology Management must hold an appropriate career associate degree (Associate of Applied Science or Associate of Applied Technology) from an institution regionally accredited to grant career associate degrees. 


Students wishing to complete a degree in Human Services Delivery and Administration may declare the HSDA program at any time upon admission to GSC.  Students must earn a grade of C or higher in all prerequisite courses and earn a grade of C or higher in all 3000- and 4000-level courses.  Students must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours in major curriculum courses in residency at GSC.  Students must meet all other GSC graduation requirements.

Bachelor of applied science (B.A.S.) in paralegal studies

Students wishing to complete a degree in Paralegal Studies must complete all GSC general institutional admissions requirements.  Students must declare a major in BAS Paraleal Studies.  Students must hold an appropriate paralegal associate degree (e.g., A.A.S. or A.A.T.) from an institution either approved by the American Bar Association or in substantial compliance with the ABA guidelines for approval of paralegal programs and regionally accredited to grant associate degrees.  Students who hold associate degrees (usually A.A. or A.S.) that are designed to constitute the first two years of a B.A., B.S., B.B.A. or other traditional baccalaureate degrees will not be eligible for admission to the B.A.S. program.  A student who wishes to pursue the B.A.S., but who has not yet completed a paralegal associate degree (as defined above), must finish the paralegal associate degree at Gainesville State College or another institution either approved by the American Bar Association or in substantial compliance with the ABA guidelines for approval paralegal programs and regionally accredited to grant associate degrees, before applying for entry to the B.A.S. program.

bachelor of science (b.s.) in psychology

Students wishing to complete a degree in Psychology must complete all GSC general institutional admissions requirements and declare a major in B.S. in Psychology.

Bachelor of science (B.S.) in biology

Students wishing to complete a degree in Biology must complete all GSC general institutional admissions requirements and declare a major in B.S. in Biology.  The B.S. degree in Biology encompasses a core of biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics courses that engage students in the learning process and provide them with the requisite skills essential for a foundation in the biological sciences.  The degree includes a minimum of 120 credit hours consisting of the University System of Georgia’s general education Core Curriculum, biology core, and elective courses.  Students pursuing the concentration in secondary education will take 9 additional credit hours of education courses in the Core Curriculm and 30 credit hours of upperdivision education courses as part of their directed electives.


Definition of Legal Residence


Verification of lawful presence

Effective fall 2011, the Univeristy System of Georgia has implanted the following policy, “Each University System institution shall verify the lawful presence in the United States of every successfully admitted person applying for resident tuition status”  (BOR policy 4.3.4).  If you are not applying for in-state tuition status, no documention is required.

Please refer to the list of acceptable documents for Verification of Lawful Presence.




Description of Terms Used in the Policy

  1. Dependent Student – an individual under the age of 24 who receives financial support from a parent or United States court appointed legal guardian.
  2. Emancipated – a minor who, under certain circumstances, may be treated by the law as an adult. A student reaching the age of 18 shall not qualify for consideration of reclassification by virtue of having become emancipated unless he or she can demonstrate financial independence and domicile independent of his or her parents.
  3. Independent Student – an individual who is not claimed as a dependent on the federal or state income tax returns of a parent or United States court appointed legal guardian and whose parent or guardian has ceased to provide support and rights to that individuals’ care, custody, and earnings.

The other terms used in the Tuition Classification Policy can be found in the Glossary of Terms for Classification of Students for Tuition Purposes.


  1. Independent Students
  1. An independent student who has established and maintained a domicile in the State of Georgia for a period of at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes for the term shall be classified as in-state for tuition purposes. No student shall gain or acquire in-state classification while attending any post secondary educational institution in this state without clear evidence of having established domicile in Georgia for purposes other than attending a post secondary educational institution in this state.
  2. If an independent student classified as in-state for tuition purposes relocates out of state temporarily but returns to the State of Georgia within 12 months of the relocation, such student shall be entitled to retain his or her in-state tuition classification.
  1. Dependent Students
  1. A dependent student shall be classified as in-state for tuition purposes if such dependent student’s parent has established and maintained domicile in the State of Georgia for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes for the term and (a) the student has graduated from a Georgia high school; or (b) the parent claimed the student as a dependent on the parent’s most recent federal or state income tax return.
  2. A dependent student shall be classified as in-state for tuition purposes if such student’s United States court appointed legal guardian has established and maintained domicile in the State of Georgia for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes for the term, provided that such appointment was not made to avoid payment of out-of-state tuition and the U.S. court appointed legal guardian can provide clear evidence of having established and maintained domicile in the State of Georgia for a period of at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes for the term.
  3. If the parent or United States court appointed legal guardian of a dependent student currently classified as in-state for tuition purposes establishes domicile outside of the State of Georgia after having established and maintained domicile in the State of Georgia, such student may retain his or her in-state tuition classification so long as such student remains continuously enrolled in a public post secondary educational institution in this state, regardless of the domicile of such student’s parent or United States court appointed legal guardian.


A non-US citizen shall not be classified as in-state for tuition purposes unless the student is legally in this state and there is evidence to warrant consideration of in-state classification as determined by the Board of Regents. Lawful permanent residents, refugees, asylees, or other eligible non-citizens as defined by federal Title IV regulations may be extended the same consideration as citizens of the United States in determining whether they qualify for in-state classification.

International students who reside in the United States under non-immigrant status conditioned at least in part upon intent not to abandon a foreign domicile shall not be eligible for in-state classification.



Out-of-State Tuition Waivers

An institution may award out‐of‐state tuition differential waivers and assess in‐state tuition for certain nonresidents of Georgia for the following reasons (under the following conditions):

  1. Academic Common Market. Students selected to participate in a program offered through the Academic Common Market.
  2. International and Superior Out-of-State Students. International students and superior out-of-state students selected by the institutional president or an authorized representative, provided that the number of such waivers in effect does not exceed 2% of the equivalent full-time students enrolled at the institution in the fall term immediately preceding the term for which the out-of-state tuition is to be waived.
  3. University System Employees and Dependents. Full-time employees of the University System, their spouses, and their dependent children.
  4. Medical/Dental Students and Interns. Medical and dental residents and medical and dental interns at the Medical College of Georgia.
  5. Full-Time School Employees. Full-time employees in the public schools of Georgia or Technical College System of Georgia, their spouses, and their dependent children. Teachers employed full-time on military bases in Georgia shall also qualify for this waiver.
  6. Career Consular Officials. Career consular officers, their spouses, and their dependent children who are citizens of the foreign nation that their consular office represents and who are stationed and living in Georgia under orders of their respective governments.
  7. Military Personnel. Military personnel, their spouses, and their dependent children stationed in or assigned to Georgia and on active duty. The waiver can be retained by the military personnel, their spouses, and their dependent children if
  • the military sponsor is reassigned outside of Georgia, and the student(s) remain(s) continuously enrolled and the military sponsor remains on active military status;
  • the military sponsor is reassigned out-of-state and the spouse and dependent children remain in Georgia and the sponsor remains on active military duty;
  • or active military personnel and their spouse and dependent children who are stationed in a state contiguous to the Georgia border and who live in Georgia.
  1. Research University Graduate Students. Graduate students attending the University of Georgia, the Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia State University, and the Medical College of Georgia, which shall be authorized to waive the out-of-state tuition differential for a limited number of graduate students each year, with the understanding that the number of students at each of these institutions to whom such waivers are granted, shall not exceed the number assigned below at any one point in time:
  • University of Georgia 80
  • Georgia Institute of Technology 60
  • Georgia State University 80
  • Medical College of Georgia 20
  1. Border County Residents. Students domiciled in an out‐of‐state county bordering Georgia, enrolling in a program offered at a location approved by the Board of Regents and for which the offering institution has been granted permission to award Border County waivers.
  2. Georgia National Guard and U.S. Military Reservists. Active members of the Georgia National Guard, stationed or assigned to Georgia or active members of a unit of the U.S. Military Reserves based in Georgia, and their spouses and their dependent children.
  3. Students enrolled in University System institutions as part of Competitive Economic Development Projects. Students who are certified by the Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Economic Development as being part of a competitive economic development project.
  4. Students in Georgia‐Based Corporations. Students who are employees of Georgia‐based corporations or organizations that have contracted with the Board of Regents through University System institutions to provide out‐of‐state tuition differential waivers.
  5. Students in Pilot Programs. Terminated October 2008.
  6. Students in ICAPP® Advantage programs. Any student participating in an ICAPP® Advantage program.
  7. International and Domestic Exchange Programs. Any student who enrolls in a University System institution as a participant in an international or domestic direct exchange program that provides reciprocal benefits to University System students.
  8. Economic Advantage. As of the first day of classes for the term, an economic advantage waiver may be granted to a U.S. citizen or U.S. legal permanent resident who is a dependent or independent student and can provide clear evidence that the student or the student’s parent, spouse, or U.S. court appointed legal guardian has relocated to the State of Georgia to accept full‐time, self‐sustaining employment and has established domicile in the State of Georgia. Relocation to the state must be for reasons other than enrolling in an institution of higher education. For U.S. citizens or U.S. legal permanent residents, this waiver will expire 12 months from the date the waiver was granted.  As of the first day of classes for the term, an economic advantage waiver may be granted to an independent non‐citizen possessing a valid employment‐related visa status who can provide clear evidence of having relocated to the State of Georgia to accept full‐time, self‐sustaining employment. Relocation to the state must be for employment reasons and not for the purpose of enrolling in an institution of higher education. These individuals would be required to show clear evidence of having taken legally permissible steps toward establishing legal permanent residence in the United States and the establishment of legal domicile in the State of Georgia. Independent non‐citizen students may continue to receive this waiver as long as they maintain a valid employment‐related visa status and can demonstrate continued efforts to establish U.S. legal permanent residence and legal domicile in the State of Georgia. A dependent non‐citizen student who can provide clear evidence that the student’s parent, spouse, or U.S. court‐appointed legal guardian possesses a valid employment‐related visa status and can provide clear evidence of having relocated to the State of Georgia to accept full‐time, self‐sustaining employment is also eligible to receive this waiver. Relocation to the state must be for employment reasons and not for the purpose of enrolling in an institution of higher education. These individuals must be able to show clear evidence of having taken legally permissible steps toward establishing legal permanent residence in the United States and the establishment of legal domicile in the State of Georgia. Non‐citizen students currently receiving a waiver who are dependents of a parent, spouse, or U.S. court‐appointed legal guardian possessing a valid employment‐related visa status may continue to receive this waiver as long as they can demonstrate that their parent, spouse, or U.S. court appointed legal guardian is maintaining full‐time, self‐sustaining employment in Georgia and is continuing efforts to pursue an adjustment of status to U.S. legal permanent resident and the establishment of legal domicile in the State of Georgia.
  9. Recently Separated Military Service Personnel. Members of a uniformed military service of the United States who, within 12 months of separation from such service, enroll in an academic program and demonstrate an intent to become a permanent resident of Georgia. This waiver may also be granted to their spouses and dependent children. This waiver may be granted for not more than one year.
  10. Nonresident Student. As of the first day of classes for the term, a nonresident student can be considered for this waiver under the following conditions:
  • Dependent Student. If the parent, or U.S. court‐appointed legal guardian has maintained domicile in Georgia for at least 12 consecutive months and the student can provide clear and legal evidence showing the relationship to the parent or U.S. court‐appointed legal guardian has existed for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes for the term. Under Georgia code legal guardianship must be established prior to the student’s 18th birthday.
  • Independent Student. If the student can provide clear and legal evidence showing relations to the spouse and the spouse has maintained domicile in Georgia for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes for the term. This waiver can remain in effect as long as the student remains continuously enrolled.

If the parent, spouse, or U.S. court‐appointed legal guardian of a continuously enrolled nonresident student establishes domicile in another state after having maintained domicile in the State of Georgia for the required period, the nonresident student may continue to receive this waiver as long as the student remains continuously enrolled in a public post-secondary educational institution in the state, regardless of the domicile of the parent, spouse or U.S. court appointed legal guardian.

  1. Vocational Rehabilitation Waiver. Students enrolled in a University System of Georgia institution based on a referral by the Vocational Rehabilitation Program of the Georgia Department of Labor. 
Requests for tuition waivers must be received in the appropriate office no later than the last day to pay fees for the term for which the out-of-state tuition is to be waived. Petitions or requests for waivers submitted after that date will not be considered for the term. Waivers must be renewed annually unless otherwise noted.


Glossary of Terms

The following definitions of terms apply in the determination of a student’s classification for tuition purposes in the University System of Georgia.

  1. Adoption – A legally recognized relationship that creates a parent-child relationship between individuals who are not biologically related to each other.
  2. Adult Student – An emancipated individual, over the age of 18.
  3. Asylee – A foreign national who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her country of nationality because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution based on the alien’s race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. A stamp reading “Asylum status granted pursuant to Section 208, USCIS” affirms an individual’s official status as an asylee.
  4. Continuously enrolled student – A student who makes satisfactory academic progress toward completion of a degree, diploma, or certificate program of study at a public post-secondary educational institution or accredited, bona fide study abroad program in the State of Georgia without a break in enrollment of more than one traditional academic semester (fall or spring). A student who is not enrolled for two or more consecutive traditional academic semesters is not considered to be a continuously enrolled student.
  5. Dependent student – An individual under the age of 24 who receives financial support from a parent or U.S. court-appointed legal guardian whose federal or state income tax return lists the individual as “dependent.”
  6. Domicile – A person’s present, permanent home where that individual intends to stay indefinitely and to which that individual returns following periods of temporary absence. Domicile, once established, shall not be affected by mere transient or temporary physical presence in another state. No individual may have more than one domicile even though an individual may maintain more than one residence. Temporary residence does not constitute the establishment of one’s domicile. To acquire domicile, an individual must demonstrate intent to remain permanently or indefinitely.
  7. Durational Requirement – The period of 12 consecutive months after the individual has established domicile and preceding the first day of classes for intended term of enrollment.
  8. Emancipated – A minor who under certain circumstances may be treated by the law as an adult. A student reaching the age of 18 does not qualify for consideration of reclassification by virtue of having become emancipated unless he/she can demonstrate financial independence and domicile independent of his/her parents.
  9. Eligible non-citizens – Refugees, persons granted asylum, certain conditional entrants, persons paroled into the U.S. for at least one year who can demonstrate an intent to become a legal permanent resident, and Cuban-Haitian entrants.


Individuals who enter GSC as nonresident students but who wish later to qualify as legal residents must submit a Petition for Georgia Residence Classification, which can be obtained in the Admissions Office or on-line at www.gsc.edu. A student’s residence status is not changed automatically, and the burden of proof that the student qualifies as a legal resident under the regulations of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia rests with the student. Students are responsible for registering under the proper residence classification. A student classified as nonresident who believes he or she is entitled to be reclassified as a legal resident may petition the Office of Admissions for a change in status. To avoid delay and inconvenience at registration, the petition and all supporting documentation must be filed no later than 10 working days prior to registration for the semester for which the student is petitioning for in-state residence status.