Click on any of the following links for information:
Catalog Information
The statements set forth in this catalog are for informational purposes only and should not be construed as the basis of a contract between a student and this institution. While every effort will be made to ensure accuracy of the material stated herein, the University of North Georgia reserves the right to change any provision listed in this catalog, including but not limited to, academic requirements for graduation, curricula, course offerings, and academic regulations without actual notice to individual students. Every effort will be made to keep students advised of such changes. Students should refer to the UNG website for the most recent updates to the catalog.
Email Policy
Upon admission to the University of North Georgia, students are provided with an e-mail account, which is the official channel of communication between the University and its students. It is the responsibility of the student to periodically monitor his/her student e-mail account and be aware of the information sent by the University. Students are expected to check their e-mail on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with University-related communications. Students have the responsibility to recognize that certain communications may be time-critical. Failure in the proper management of e-mail accounts is not an acceptable excuse for missing official University communications via e-mail and will not excuse students from complying with University policies, procedures and/or deadlines and will not be considered grounds for appeal for relief from those policies, procedures and deadlines. As a steward of this process, the Division of Information Technology is responsible for directing the use of all student official e-mail.
Academic Regulations
The individual student is responsible for familiarizing themselves with the academic regulations of University of North Georgia. Each student is urged to read the regulations carefully, to seek clarification from the Office of the Registrar if they have questions concerning academic procedures (i.e., registration, recording of grades, graduation) or seek interpretation from the Office of Academic Affairs if they have questions concerning academic policies or degree program or graduation requirements.
Academic Year
The academic year is divided into two semesters (fall and spring) comprised of approximately fifteen weeks each and a summer semester. Summer semester includes a May session, full session and two short sessions.
Academic Credit
One semester hour is the credit given for the work associated with one hour of class per week throughout the long semester (fall or spring).
Uniform Grading System
All institutions of the University System of Georgia are on a 4.0 grade point average system. The following grades are approved for use in institutions of the University System and are included in the determination of grade point average (GPA):
Quality Points Per Semester Hour
Withdraw Failing
The following grading symbols are approved for use in the cases indicated but will not be included in the calculation of the grade point average:
I - This symbol indicates that a student was performing satisfactorily but, for non-academic reasons beyond the student’s control, was unable to meet the full requirements of the course. The grade of I must be recommended by the instructor and approved by the dean. If an I is not satisfactorily removed after two semesters, the symbol of I will be changed to the grade of F on the student’s academic record. With approval from the program coordinator/director and the dean, a student may be permitted an extended period of time to complete the course requirements.
IP - (In Progress) This symbol is appropriate for thesis hours and project courses. If an IP grade is not satisfactorily removed after three semesters, the symbol of IP will be changed to the grade of F for thesis hours and project courses. With approval from the program coordinator/director and the dean, a student may be permitted an extended period of time to complete the course requirements.
S - This symbol indicates that a student completed the course with satisfactory work.
U - This symbol indicates that a student did not complete the course with satisfactory work.
W - This symbol indicates that a student was permitted to withdraw without penalty. Students may withdraw from courses prior to the midterm and receive a grade of W. However, instructors have the ability to change a grade of W to WF if the student is failing the course at the time of withdrawal. According to policy, the instructor must include the right to retain this ability in the course syllabus. Withdrawals without penalty will not be permitted after the midpoint of the total grading period except in cases of hardship as determined by the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs.
V - This symbol indicates that a student was given permission to audit the course. Students may not transfer from audit to credit status or vice versa. Students must choose to audit a course before the drop/add period ends for the course. If an audit student withdraws from a course prior to the end of the term, a W will be assigned as the grade rather than a grade of V. An audit student who is dropped by the instructor for excessive absences will be assigned a grade of W.
NR - This symbol indicates that the grade was not reported by the instructor.
CR - This symbol indicates that the student was awarded credit for military experience, prior learning assessment, departmental exam credit, or other transfer credit.
^ - This symbol indicates an Undergraduate-level course taken by a Graduate student. Graduate students may enroll in undergraduate courses in a term, but these courses do not count in the student’s grade point average (GPA) or towards their degree requirements.
Please note that we will generate official transcripts which include any course completed within a semester only after that semester ends.
Grade Changes
All grade changes must receive the approval of the dean of the appropriate school before the Registrar can record changes.
Appeal of Grades Obtained in Graduate-Level Courses
Grade appeals follow the university policy and procedures for Student Grade Appeals.
Cumulative Grade Point Average
The cumulative grade point average in each institution of the University System of Georgia will be calculated by dividing the number of hours scheduled in all courses attempted in which a grade of A, B, C, D, F, or WF has been received into the number of quality points earned on those hours scheduled. For example, a grade of B, for example, in a course earning three semester hours of credit would be assigned nine quality points and a grade of C in that course, six quality points. Thus, if a student takes 16 semester hours of work and earns 40 quality points, the GPA is 2.50 (40 quality points divided by 16 semester hours). The cumulative grade point average will be recorded on the student’s permanent record.
Overall Grade Point Average and Repeated Courses
If a student repeats a course, only the grade of the most recent attempt of the course is used for the purpose of calculating the overall grade point average and in regards to graduation requirements for all degree/certificate programs. This is the case even if the grade in the most recent attempt is lower than in previous attempts. For example, if a student earns a grade of C in a course and upon repeating it earns a grade of D, the D grade will be calculated into the overall grade point average and not the C grade. Furthermore, neither attempt of the course will count toward graduation requirements.
Course Loads
A graduate student who is registered for nine semester hours or more for one semester is classified as a full-time student. A graduate student who is registered for six semester hours for one semester is classified as a part-time student, and a graduate student who is registered for five or less for one semester is classified as less than half-time. A graduate student must be registered for at least five hours for the semester to be eligible for financial aid.
Course Numbering
Courses should be numbered according to the appropriate level as determined by the stated student learning outcomes of each course.
UNG’s academic policy defines the following course levels:
- 0xxx - All Learning Support courses should carry numbers of 0999 or below.
- 1000 - numbered courses present introductory or general knowledge courses at the undergraduate level.
- 2000 - numbered courses present fundamental knowledge in a particular field or discipline at the undergraduate level. Courses in this level may have prerequisites at the 1000 level.
- 3000 - numbered courses present topics related to major fields and disciplines at an undergraduate level.
- 4000 - numbered courses present more advanced topics related to major fields and disciplines at an undergraduate level.
- 5000 - numbered courses present introductory or general knowledge in a particular field or discipline at a graduate level.
- 6000 - numbered courses present fundamental knowledge in a particular field or discipline at a graduate level.
- 7000 - 8000 numbered courses are generally seminars and advanced seminars and lectures in graduate disciplines such as educational, professional doctorates, and first-professional degrees or action-research and research-based specialist and doctoral degrees.
- 9000 - numbered courses are advanced seminar and research courses and are to be used only by Doctor of Philosophy degree programs.
Cross-Listing Courses
Cross-Listed courses will have different course Prefixes but their catalog descriptions must have the same title, numbering, description, fixed (not variable) credit hours, grading mode, repeat rules, and instructor(s). As such, Cross-Listed courses are considered equivalents and only one of the equivalent courses will be allowed per degree. Special topic, independent study, directed study, thesis, practice teaching, and internship/practicum courses cannot be Cross-Listed. An example of Cross-Listed courses are SOCI 3530 Death, Society, and the Human Experience and GERO 3530 Death, Dying, and the Human Experience.
Cross-Leveling Courses
Cross-Leveled courses will follow the numbering convention described below and will have the same final three digits. The catalog descriptions for Cross-Leveled courses will have the same Prefix, title, description, fixed (not variable) credit hours, grading mode, repeat rules, and instructor(s). Special topic, independent study, directed study, thesis, practice teaching, and internship/practicum courses cannot be Cross-Leveled. Cross-leveled courses must show different levels of rigor, with the higher number course being more rigorous. Cross-leveled courses must have separate syllabi with distinct learning outcomes and assessments for each level; the graduate course must have additional and distinct content and assignments that are more advanced than the undergraduate course. Cross-Leveled courses are limited to the following course numbering convention: 3000/5000, 4000/6000, 5000/7000, and 6000/8000. Nine-thousand (9000) level courses may not be Cross-Leveled. An example of Cross-Leveled courses are GISC 4600K Watershed Characterization and GISC 6600K Watershed Characterization.
Course Schedules
The university makes every effort to maintain the schedule of courses as announced in its catalog. However, the university reserves the right to withdraw courses, change instructors, or change the schedule of classes at any time without previous announcement.
All students should be aware of enrolling in courses that they have previously taken. The final responsibility for non-duplication of courses rests with the student. Students may not retake a co-listed course for graduate credit if undergraduate credit for the same course has been earned during the previous three years.
Class Schedule Changes (Add/Drop Period)
Class schedule changes are allowed during the first five class days of fall and spring semesters. The number of days allowed for changing a schedule will vary during summer sessions. Students should consult the university calendar for this information. Schedule changes should be made only after careful consultation with the academic advisor. If a student drops classes, he/she may not be eligible for financial aid the student may have already received. In this case, the student is responsible for returning funds to the Business Office. Unauthorized changes in a schedule may result in a loss of credit. After the initial period for adjusting class schedules, a withdrawal from a class will result in the assignment of a grade of W (withdraw without penalty) or WF (withdraw failing) as determined by the instructor and University System policy. Instructors may request that the Office of Academic Affairs approve a grade of W after midterm in cases of extenuating circumstances.
The Registrar’s Office will withdraw (W grade on transcript) students whose names are marked as non-attending by faculty during the Roll/Attendance Verification periods.
Late Registration
The University of North Georgia allows students to register late (new registrations and schedule adjustments) only in exceptional situations. The Late Registration period is limited to one week after the Drop/Add deadline due to its potential effects on students’ financial aid eligibility, increase in owed balance, and academic load management. Late Registration requires administrative review and approvals from the instructor, department head of the course, Financial Aid Office, Bursar’s Office, and Registrar’s Office. The dates and deadlines to register late vary by semester and are posted on the Registrar’s website and on the UNG academic calendar. Only students in good academic standing are eligible for Late Registration. Students on academic probation or returning from academic suspension, eligible to enroll but not enrolled in classes, must be registered for classes before the first day of class.
For more information, please see the Late Registration Policy in the Policy Portal.
Appeals for Dropping Registered Classes After the Add/Drop Deadline
Students are responsible for knowing and following all posted registration deadlines to add and drop classes for all parts of term within a semester. Appeals for a class to be dropped from their registration after the add/drop deadline has passed must be submitted using a Late Drop Appeal form from the Registrar’s Office. The form must be filled out completely, including the signatures of representatives from the Financial Aid Office and Business Office before submitting the form to the Registrar’s Office. After a decision has been made, the student will then be notified within one week (seven days) of the results of their appeal via UNG email.
Appeals must be submitted within one week (seven days) after the conclusion of the add/drop deadline. Appeals will only be considered for approval if the student experienced an extenuating circumstance that prevented an adjustment to their class schedule by the posted add/drop deadline. Documentation of the extenuating circumstance should be submitted with the appeal form. An extenuating circumstance is defined as one of the following:
- A medical emergency for the student or immediate family member
- The death of an immediate family member
- Error in advisement, incorrect class registration by a member of UNG staff or faculty, or other administrative error.
Students appealing to late drop an eCore/eMajor class should contact an eCampus Liaison via email at or Those appeal decisions will be determined via eCore/eMajor policy.
Communication with Academic Advisor
The academic advising process is a responsibility shared by the advisor and the student. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with the advisor concerning contemplated changes in class schedule, program of study, or career plans.
Accredited Institutions
For the purposes of admissions applications and possible articulated transfer credit, University of North Georgia defines an accredited institution of higher learning as being accredited by one of the following commissions: Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACCJC), Higher Learning Commission (HLC), Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), or WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC).
Transfer Credit
In order to earn a Graduate degree at UNG, a student must earn a minimum of 24 semester hours of credit in residence applicable toward the degree. Some graduate programs may require a higher number of credits in residence; consult the transfer credit policy for the specific program. To earn a certificate or endorsement at UNG, a minimum of one-half of the semester hours required for completion of the certificate or endorsement must be earned in residence. Transient credits earned are not included in residency requirements. Credits may be transferred from an institution accredited by Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACCJC), Higher Learning Commission (HLC), Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), or WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) subject to the following conditions:
- Work offered for transfer credit already applied toward another degree cannot be accepted;
- Work offered for transfer credit must each carry a minimum grade of B or higher;
- Work offered for transfer credit must have been completed within the six-year period allowed for the completion of degree requirements;
- Work offered for transfer credit must have been applicable toward a graduate degree at the institution where credit was earned; and,
- Work offered for transfer credit must have the approval of the student’s advisor, the program coordinator/director, and the dean of the appropriate college.
For graduate credits earned outside of the United States to be considered as transfer credit, a foreign course-by-course credential evaluation by an independent evaluation service that is a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services, Inc., (NACES) or Association of International Credential Evaluators, Inc. (AICE) is required. The evaluation must certify the equivalency of a regionally accredited institution for the credits to be considered for transfer. Students must request that the agency submit the evaluation directly to Graduate Admissions.
Acceptance of transfer credit does not reduce the residence requirement stated above.
Transient Credit
Any graduate student may apply to the dean of the appropriate college for authorization to complete certain courses at another institution as a transient student by submitting a transient permission form down loadable from myUNG (password required) or contact Graduate Admissions at Transient student permission will not be granted to students on academic notice, probation, or suspension, or for the purpose of repeating courses.
Transient credits earned are not included in residency requirements.
Audit Registration
Active UNG students may register for courses in audit status. No academic or degree credit will be awarded for audited courses. Tuition and fees assessed for audited courses are the same as tuition and fees of courses taken for credit. Students can only register for courses in audit status during the first week of classes and must be registered in audit status before the end of the course Add/Drop period. Students must obtain the signature of the instructor of the course on the Course Registration Form as approval to audit the course and must submit the signed form to the Registrar’s Office. Students registered for audit courses will receive a final grade of V. If a student withdraws (or is withdrawn for excessive absences) from the course prior to the end of the term, a grade of W will be assigned.
Class Attendance Policy
The University of North Georgia expects students to attend all regularly scheduled classes for instruction and examination. When a student is compelled for any reason to be absent from class, the student should immediately convey the reason for the absence directly to the instructor. The student is responsible for all material presented in class and for all announcements and assignments.
For more information, please see the Class Attendance Policy in the Policy Portal.
Academic Standing Policy
Although program criteria may differ, graduate students are considered to be in good academic standing within the Office of Graduate Studies by having a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 and meeting the individual academic requirements of their graduate program. A graduate student who has a cumulative GPA below 3.00 will be placed on academic Probation. A graduate student on academic probation has until the end of the following semester to regain the minimum GPA of 3.00 and avoid suspension. If a student fails to maintain a minimum GPA of 3.00 for the subsequent semester while on probation, the student will be placed on academic program suspension for two consecutive semesters (including summer).
Should there be extenuating circumstances that contributed to the student’s poor academic performance, the student may appeal to the Graduate Appeals Committee prior to the start of the following semester. The committee will meet to consider the appeal and make a recommendation to the Dean of Graduate Studies, who will notify the student of the disposition of the appeal within a week of the committee meeting. Graduate Students who do not meet the requirements of probation or suspension, may be dismissed from the graduate program. (See the Graduate Student Handbook “Appeals.”) This applies to University Standing only. Note that program standards may be different and stricter.
Graduate students may be placed on probation, suspension, or dismissed by their graduate program at the end of any semester if they have not made sufficient academic progress to warrant continuance of study or for code of conduct and/or professional policy violations. Suspensions or dismissals of graduate students in these cases will follow policies and procedures adopted by the program and communicated in the program handbook and may be stricter than University policies. For more information, please see the Graduate Academic Standing and Program Dismissal Policy in the Policy Portal.
There are several different types of withdrawals depending on the circumstances and/or needs of the student. Students are encouraged to review all types of withdrawal in order to decide what is best for their situation and progression toward their educational goals.
For more information, please see the Withdrawal Policy in the Policy Portal.
Registering for Graduate Courses in Other Programs
Students currently enrolled in a graduate program at UNG who seek to register for a course offered by a different graduate program in which they (students) are not enrolled must secure written permission from the graduate coordinators of both graduate programs (email exchange between both program coordinators and copied to Graduate Admissions is sufficient). Approval must be gained prior to the start of the semester in which the student is seeking to enroll in the course.
This policy does not preclude currently enrolled students in one graduate program from enrolling in cross-listed courses of their plans of study offered by a different graduate program.
Time to Complete a Graduate Degree
The time to completion policies for the University of North Georgia are program specific. Please see your program’s handbook for information on time to completion requirements.
It is expected that a student will complete the degree program with reasonable continuity as defined by the program. A student called into military service or a student with extraordinary circumstances may apply for an extension of time. A student called into military service or a student with extraordinary circumstances should apply for an extension of time at the time the exception occurs. Retroactive requests may be considered if submitted at least six months prior to time limit expiration. The student should submit the Degree Time Limit Extension Form and a letter of appeal to the Program Coordinator of the graduate degree program. The time limit exception request must be submitted by the program coordinator, on behalf of the student, and approved by the program’s Department Head, college Dean, and Dean of Graduate Studies.
Graduate Student Continuous Enrollment
As part of the university’s continuous enrollment policy, students in all graduate programs must maintain enrollment totaling 6 hrs (or more) over all consecutive three semester periods (including summers). In other words, the total enrollment of the current term plus the two terms preceding it must add to 6 hours or more at all times.
Completion Term Enrollment Requirement
Additionally, all graduate students must be enrolled in the term in which they complete the requirements for their degree. Normally, this is the term in which they will graduate. However, if the requirements are completed after the deadline for graduation in a term, but before the first day of classes in the subsequent term, then it is not necessary to enroll in the subsequent term. If the continuous enrollment criterion is not met in the term in which degree requirements are completed, then it must be met in the term of graduation. Students who have enrolled for a total 6 or more hours in the two terms preceding the term of completion may register for 1 hour in that term, unless their department requires a higher number of hours. (i.e. course work is completed but graduation is pending completion of thesis or dissertation. Then, 1 credit hour must be maintained each term until submission or defense.)
Change of Program
Before a graduate student may transfer from one graduate degree program to another, the student must submit a new admission application to Graduate Admissions for the intended program. Changing programs may result in additional admission requirements and degree requirements.
Before the degree can be conferred, all indebtedness to the university must be met and published requirements for the particular degree fulfilled. Responsibility for meeting these requirements rests with the student, and each candidate should ensure her/his program of study is on file for graduation with the Office of the Registrar.
A student must submit an application for graduation and pay the graduation fee by the published deadline for the semester in which the student anticipates completing degree requirements. Additionally, the student must be on-track to complete all degree requirements no later than the grade submission deadline for the semester in which the student is to be awarded the degree. The Registrar’s Office will determine whether or not a student is eligible to participate in a commencement ceremony. The application for graduation may be secured from Commencement ceremonies are held at the conclusion of Fall and Spring semesters only. For more information, please see the Commencement Policy in the Policy Portal.
Degree candidates may participate in only one commencement ceremony per semester and will be recognized for only one degree when they cross the stage during that ceremony. Any degree candidate eligible to receive multiple degrees must choose one degree for which they will be recognized during the commencement ceremony.
Students who, at the end of the semester in which they are eligible to graduate, receive one or more failing/inadequate grades or grades of IP or I in a course or courses that are required to complete the degree will be allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony, but will not be certified to receive the degree until all degree requirements are met.
Study abroad students who, at the end of the semester in which they are eligible to graduate, receive one or more failing/inadequate grades or grades of IP or I in a course or courses that are required to complete the degree will be allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony, but will not be certified to receive the degree until all degree requirements are met.
Transient students who, at the end of the semester in which they are eligible to graduate, receive one or more failing/inadequate grades or grades of IP or I in a course or courses that are required to complete the degree will be allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony, but will not be certified to receive the degree until all degree requirements are met. Transient students who, at the end of the semester in which they are eligible to graduate, do not have official documentation of transient course credit on file in the Registrar’s Office will be allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony, but will not be certified to receive the degree until all degree requirements are met.
In order to participate in a commencement ceremony, students who plan to earn required course credit via credit by examination (departmental examinations for course credit, CLEP, DSST, etc.) during the semester in which they are eligible to graduate must attempt to earn the appropriate credit by examination and have official documentation of that attempt on file in the Registrar’s Office no later than the grade submission deadline for the semester in which the student is eligible to be awarded the degree.
No student may be declared a graduate of the university until all requirements for entrance and for graduation have been met, the degree has been conferred, and the diploma has been awarded.
Second Master’s Degree
A student who wishes to earn a second master’s degree at UNG must complete all specific course requirements related to the second degree. The program coordinator and the head of the department may recommend to the dean that the number of credits required for the second degree be reduced by up to 30 percent to reflect course content common to both degrees. The student has two options:
- Student shall complete all of the aforementioned requirements and apply for the two degrees to be conferred simultaneously.
- Student who earned a master’s degree from UNG and wishes to pursue a second master’s degree shall complete all of the aforementioned requirements for the second degree and, if they have not maintained continuous eligibility to enroll, complete a minimum of 24 additional credit hours in residence. Some graduate programs may require a higher minimum number of credit hours in residence.
Code of Conduct
The standards of conduct expected of University of North Georgia students are basically those prevailing in any well-ordered society composed of intelligent, moral people. In terms of disruptive behavior, the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia has stated that any student who, acting singularly or in concert with others, obstructs or disrupts, or attempts to obstruct or disrupt, by force or violence, or by threat of force or violence, any teaching, research, administrative, disciplinary, public service, or any other activity authorized to be held or conducted on the campus of University of North Georgia or on any campus of the University System of Georgia shall be subject to immediate dismissal. The words force and violence shall be construed to include such obstructive and disruptive acts as stand-ins, sit-ins, and lie-ins.
Any student who remains in or refuses to vacate any building on the campus of University of North Georgia or on the campus of any institution within the University System of Georgia at a time when such building is normally, usually, and customarily closed to students, and after having received notice to vacate from the President of the institution or other officer charged with the custody and control of the building, shall be subject to immediate dismissal.
Dismissal of a Graduate Student
- Students dismissed from the university and one of its graduate programs shall have the right to appeal.
- Students are encouraged to attempt to resolve appeals through the program coordinator/director and, if necessary, through the appropriate academic dean.
- In instances that cannot be resolved at the program or college level, the appeal will be forwarded to the Dean for consideration.
- The appeal will be heard as soon as possible so that, if the appeal is successful, the student will be readmitted to the program with a minimum of interruption. However, the student will not be allowed to enroll while his/her appeal is pending.
- The members of the Dismissal Appeal Committee will be the Chair, who is also Dean, and members of Graduate Council.
- The committee functions in the following manner:
- Prior to the hearing, the committee will investigate the circumstances of the appeal, allowing the student and the program coordinator/director to present their cases in writing. If the program has a dismissal-appeal process, the program committee will also submit, in writing, a summary or documentation from the program’s hearing process.
- The committee will schedule a hearing, making every conceivable effort to identify a date, time, and place when the student and instructor will be able to attend.
- During the committee hearing, both the student and the program coordinator/director will be allowed to present their cases. The student and the program coordinator have the option of addressing the committee in person or providing the committee with a written statement of appeal in lieu of appearing in person. Both the student and the program coordinator/director may name other individuals with relevant, first-hand information to address the panel in person or in writing.
- If the student chooses to address the committee in person, he/she has the privilege of bringing one advisor, selected from the faculty, staff, or student body, to the meeting. The advisor is not allowed to address the committee or to ask questions of committee members during the meeting. The student is allowed, during the meeting, to confer privately with the advisor.
- If the instructor (and, if applicable in clinical or internship situations, the clinical instructor or on-site supervisor) additionally chooses to address the committee in person, he/she may bring one advisor, selected from the faculty or staff, to the meeting. The advisor is not allowed to address the committee or ask questions of committee members or any other attendee during the meeting. The instructor is allowed to confer privately with the advisor during the meeting.
- The student and the instructor(s) have the right to remain in the room while testimony is being given. All oral testimony will be recorded.
- If the student chooses to provide the committee with a written statement of appeal in lieu of appearing in person, the student will be required to submit a signed statement indicating that he/she has chosen not to meet with the committee.
- If there are follow-up questions from the committee, they will be mailed to the student or program coordinator/director, along with a request that they be answered in writing and promptly submitted.
- After considering all information relating to the appeal, the committee will formulate recommendations based on the decision of the majority.
- The chair will forward a record of the hearing and a recommendation to the Office of Academic Affairs.
- The Vice Provost for Academic Affairs will review the recommendation. It will be the responsibility of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs to render a decision in the case, whereupon the student, the program coordinator, and the appropriate dean shall be advised in writing.
- In the event the student wishes to appeal the decision of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, he/she may direct his/her appeal in writing to the President within five business days from the receipt of the decision letter.
- If the student is not satisfied by the final decision of the President, he/she may apply to the Board of Regents for a review of the decision. The application for review must be submitted in writing to the Board’s Office of Legal Affairs within a period of twenty days following the decision of the President. It shall state the decision complained of and the redress desired.
Academic and Professional Integrity Policy
The University of North Georgia is dedicated to providing an educational climate characterized by integrity. Academic Integrity must be the cornerstone of an institution of higher learning and must pervade all segments of the UNG community. Furthermore, academic integrity is the mutual responsibility of the various constituencies (students, faculty, staff, and administration) that compose the university. At the graduate level, academic professional programs are further committed to uphold the standards of Professional Integrity as often outlined by Professional Codes of Ethics.
UNG’s Honor Code, “On my honor, I will not lie, cheat, steal, plagiarize, evade the truth, or tolerate those who do” reflects the institution’s commitment to academic and professional integrity. The Graduate Council recommends that the Honor Code be placed on all syllabi and in all graduate program student handbooks. The absence of the Honor Code statement on syllabi or assignments or the absence of a student’s signature in no way releases the student from the responsibility to know, understand and follow the university’s Honor Code.
Academic Integrity
The University of North Georgia recognizes honesty and integrity as being necessary to the academic functioning of the university. UNG graduate students are expected to uphold the university regulations addressed in the Student Code of Conduct.
Professional Integrity
A professional is one who willingly “adopts” and consistently applies the knowledge, skills, and values of a chosen profession. Integrity may be the most appropriate word used to describe the person who willingly and consistently acts in accordance with social standards or moral values of society.
Professional Integrity Defined
A professional is one who willingly adopts and consistently applies the knowledge, skills, and values of a chosen profession. A person with integrity willingly and consistently acts ethically, honestly, and truthfully in all endeavors. Thus, one who has professional integrity consistently and willingly practices within the guidelines of the mission of a chosen profession under the obligation of a code of ethics. The following rules and principles define the concept of Professional Integrity.
- Student shall not violate the provisions of the Code of Ethics prescribed or adopted by the relevant graduate program.
- Student shall not lie to or otherwise deceive instructors, peers, internship supervisors, or clients.
- Student shall not show disregard for the well-being, safety, or dignity of clients, peers, or supervisors.
- Student shall not misuse resources of the university or any agency for which the student is conducting an internship, clinical experience, etc.
- Student shall comply with the policies and regulations of the program and any agency for which the student is conducting an internship, clinical experience, etc.
Violations of the Academic and Professional Integrity Policy are processed by misconduct reports submitted to the Office of the Dean of Students. Procedures for filing a misconduct report are outlined on the UNG website, Dean of Students, Student Code of Conduct, Article 4 - Procedures.
Religious Holidays
It is the policy of the University of North Georgia to respect the religious beliefs of the members of the UNG community while not promoting the beliefs of any religion. As such, no student shall be penalized for failure to participate in a given activity (class attendance, registration, quiz, exam, etc.) that occurs on a documented religious holiday, when to do so would be a violation of the creed of that particular faith. A student should be allowed to register for classes or take a test or examination without penalty, at a time when that activity would not violate the student’s religious creed. Such requests should be made, in advance, directly to the person responsible for administering the activity. Assignment due dates should not be affected by this policy unless the time to complete the assignment is less than three times the length of the holiday in question (i.e., three days to complete an assignment when one of those days is the holiday in question).
Reasonable common sense, sound judgment, and the pursuit of mutual goodwill should result in the positive resolution of scheduling conflicts. The regular campus appeals process applies if a mutually satisfactory arrangement cannot be achieved.
Privacy of Student Records
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights to access and amend incorrect educational records. It also regulates the disclosure of record information to outside parties. All UNG students regardless of age must give written permission to release academic records to anyone who is not associated with the university, including parents or legal guardians. According to the U.S. Department of Education, “under FERPA, schools may release any and all information to parents, without the consent of the eligible student, if the student is dependent for tax purposes under IRS rules.”
For additional information, students should review the Registrar’s Office website or the federal FERPA website at