2012-2013 Gainesville State College Catalog [Archived Catalog]
GEOG 3200K - Earth Systems This course is an introduction to the systems approach and interdependence of Earth’s systems. Topics covered include climate change, biodiversity, ocean circulation, ozone depletion, and global environmental change. The course uses lessons from Earth’s history to guide decision-making for our future.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: Prerequisites: GEO 1111/GEOG 1111L, GEOG 1112/GEOG 1112L, and GISC 2011GISC 2011L
Hours: 3
Location Offered: Gainesville
Notes: This course meets a requirement for AREA F (major area) of the core for the Environmental Geography concentration of the B.S. AESA degree and/or an elective for other majors or concentration if specified for that major in the Gainesville College Catalog.