Area D Science, Mathematics, and Technology (10 - 12 hours)
Review Area F requirements for the specific major before choosing Area D courses.
Area D courses are broken down into two categories - one for science majors and one for non-science majors. This breakdown does not preclude a non-science major from selecting a sequence from the science majors list.
Additional Note Regarding Science CPC Deficiency: Students with a science CPC deficiency are required to complete one of the following courses along with its corresponding laboratory course: BIOL 1101, BIOL 1102, CHEM 1151, ESCI 1101, GEOG 1111, GEOL 1250, or GSCI 1101 with a grade of C or higher before completing any other science course. Credit earned to fulfill a CPC deficiency cannot be used to fulfill Core Curriculum or degree requirements.
Select one of the following science sequences (two science lectures + two corresponding labs). Both lecture (3 hours) and lab (1 hour) must be taken for a total of 4 credit hours. Lab course numbers are denoted by an “L” suffix (i.e., BIOL 1101L).