Mar 05, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Academic Information

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The statements set forth in this catalog are for informational purposes only and should not be construed as the basis of a contract between a student and this institution. While every effort will be made to ensure accuracy of the material stated herein, the University of North Georgia reserves the right to change any provision listed in this catalog, including but not limited to, academic requirements for graduation, curricula, course offerings, and academic regulations without actual notice to individual students. Every effort will be made to keep students advised of such changes. Students should refer to the UNG website for the most recent updates to the catalog.

Academic Regulations

Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the academic regulations of the University of North Georgia. Each student is urged to read the regulations carefully, to seek clarification from the Office of the Registrar if there are any questions concerning academic procedures (i.e., registration, program and transcript evaluation, the recording of grades, and graduation), or to seek interpretation from the Office of Academic Affairs if there are any questions concerning academic policies and/or degree program or graduation requirements.

Academic Year

The academic year is divided into two semesters (fall and spring) comprised of approximately fifteen weeks each and a summer semester. Summer semester includes a May session, full session, and two short sessions. Students may enter the University of North Georgia at the beginning of any semester.

Students are considered active (eligible to register) if they enroll in both fall and spring semesters each year. Failure to do so requires a student to complete a re-enrollment form in Admissions. Summer semester enrollment is not required for active student status.

Academic Credit

Credits are expressed in terms of semester hours. As a rule, one semester hour is the credit given for the work associated with one hour of class per week throughout one semester. There are exceptions to this rule.

The course numbering system used by the University of North Georgia is such that in general, the first digit of the course corresponds to the level of the class (1 - Freshman, 2 - Sophomore, 3 - Junior, 4 - Senior, 5-8 - Graduate). Undergraduate students may not enroll in courses numbered 5000-8999.

Courses are identified by a four-letter prefix and a four-digit number. Select science courses are designated on the schedule and on the students’ transcripts by a “K” suffix at the end of the course number. This “K” suffix designates that the lab is embedded with the lecture (for example, BIOL 1107K). An embedded lab means that while the course requires a lecture and a lab, there is only one final grade posted for the course. Learning Support courses and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESL) courses numbered below the 1000-level carry institutional credit only. These courses do not grant credit toward any degree, are not transferable to another college or university, and are not calculated into the grade point average.

Uniform Grading System

All institutions of the University System of Georgia are on a 4.0 grade point average system. The following grades are approved for use in institutions of the University System and are included in the determination of grade point average (GPA):

Quality Points Per Semester Hour
Withdraw Failing

To determine the grade point average (GPA), the quality points earned are divided by GPA hours completed. A grade of B, for example, in a course earning three semester hours of credit would be assigned nine quality points and a grade of C in that course, six quality points. Thus, if a student takes 16 semester hours of work and earns 40 quality points, the GPA is 2.50 (40 quality points divided by 16 semester hours).

The following grading symbols are approved for use in the cases indicated but will not be included in the calculation of the grade point average:

I - This symbol indicates that a student was performing satisfactorily, but for non-academic reasons beyond his/her control, was unable to meet the full requirements of the course. The grade of I must be recommended by the instructor and approved by the dean. If an I is not satisfactorily removed after one semester (not including summer semester), the symbol of I will be changed to the grade of F on the student’s academic record. With approval from the instructor of the course and the dean, a student may be permitted an extended period of time beyond one semester to complete the course requirements.

IP (In Progress) - This symbol is appropriate for thesis hours, project courses, and English as a Second Language (ESL) courses. It is not appropriate for traditional credit courses. If an IP grade is not satisfactorily removed after 3 semesters, the symbol of IP will be changed to the grade of F for thesis hours and project courses. With approval from the instructor of the course and the dean, a student may be permitted an extended period of time beyond one semester to complete the course requirements.

A final grade of IP is appropriate for ESL courses, however a grade of IP in an ESL course will not change to a grade of F. A grade of Incomplete is assigned when a student has not, for excusable reasons, completed the requirements of a course.

S - This symbol indicates that a student completed the course with satisfactory work.

U - This symbol indicates that a student did not complete the course with satisfactory work.

W - This symbol indicates that a student was permitted to withdraw without penalty. Students may withdraw from courses prior to the midterm and receive a grade of W. However, instructors have the ability to change a grade of W to WF if the student is failing the course at the time of withdrawal. According to policy, the instructor must include the right to retain this ability in the course syllabus. Withdrawals without penalty will not be permitted after the midpoint of the total grading period except in cases of hardship as determined by the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs / Dean of Students.

V - This symbol indicates that a student was given permission to audit the course. Students may not transfer from audit to credit status or vice versa. Students must choose to audit a course before the drop/add period ends for the course. If an audit student withdraws from a course prior to the end of the term, a W will be assigned as the grade rather than a grade of V. An audit student who is dropped by the instructor for excessive absences will be assigned a grade of W.

K - This symbol indicates that a student was given credit for the course via credit by examination.

NR - This symbol indicates that the grade was not reported by the instructor.

CR - This symbol indicates that the student was awarded credit for military experience.

* - This symbol indicates that this course has been used to meet deficiencies in high school credit, an RHSC course(s) (formerly CPC). No grade below a C satisfies RHSC deficiencies. These courses may also be applied toward degree requirements where applicable in the program of study.

# - This symbol indicates that the student has officially been granted Academic Renewal. Only courses with grades of A, B, C, or S retain earned hours, and only these courses may be used towards degree requirements. US/GA history/constitution requirements met prior to receiving academic renewal remain satisfied even though these requirements may not be included in AR credit.

@ - This symbol indicates a post-secondary option course. These are dual-enrolled courses that are college courses taken prior to high school graduation. College credit is awarded for these courses.

% - This symbol indicates Learning Support course(s) that are not counted in the overall hours/GPA and must not be used towards degree requirements.

^ - This symbol indicates an Undergraduate-level course taken by a Graduate student. Graduate students may enroll in undergraduate courses in a term, but these courses do not count in the student’s grade point average (GPA) or towards their degree requirements.

$ - This symbol indicates a course taken at a prior college, but no transfer credit has been given. These courses were taken at a prior college, but do not transfer or were repeated at UNG. These courses must not be used towards degree requirements.

Please note that the University will generate official transcripts which include any course completed within a semester only after that semester ends.

Accredited Institutions

For the purposes of admissions applications and possible articulated transfer credit, University of North Georgia defines an accredited institution of higher learning as being accredited by one of the following commissions: Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACCJC), Higher Learning Commission (HLC), Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), or WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC).

Overall Grade Point Average and Attempted Courses

If a student repeats a course, only the grade of the most recent attempt of the course is used for the purpose of calculating the overall grade point average and in regards to graduation requirements for all degree/certificate programs. This is the case even if the grade in the most recent attempt is lower than in previous attempts. For example, if a student earns a grade of D in a course, and upon repeating it earns a grade of F, the F grade will be calculated into the overall grade point average and not the D grade. Furthermore, neither attempt of the course will count toward graduation requirements.

Students may only attempt a course three times at UNG regardless of whether a W or a grade was assigned to the course (except for ESL courses).

Audit Registration

Active UNG students may register for courses in audit status. No academic or degree credit will be awarded for audited courses. Tuition and fees assessed for audited courses are the same as tuition and fees of courses taken for credit. Students can only register for courses in audit status during the first week of classes and must be registered in audit status before the end of the course Add/Drop period. Students must obtain the signature of the instructor of the course on the Course Registration Form as approval to audit the course and must submit the signed form to the Registrar’s Office. Students registered for audit courses will receive a final grade of V. If a student withdraws (or is withdrawn for excessive absences) from the course prior to the end of the term, a grade of W will be assigned.

Semester Honors

At the close of each semester, students who meet the stated criteria below will be recognized with the appropriate honors designation on their academic transcript:

President’s List

Students who have a grade point average (GPA) of 4.0 while carrying 12 or more hours are placed on the President’s List.

Dean’s List

Students who have a grade point average of 3.5 while carrying 12 or more hours with no grade below B are placed on the Dean’s List.

Graduation Honors

Scholastic recognition at graduation will be based on an overall grade point average (GPA) calculated on the basis of all work in the student’s college career, including any attempts at other institutions. Credit by examination, DSST, CLEP, and AP credit, as well as courses specifically excluded by university policy, cannot be used in the GPA calculation for graduation with honors.

For baccalaureate students, the specific award will be one of the following:

Cum Laude 3.50-3.69
Magna Cum Laude 3.70-3.89
Summa Cum Laude 3.90-4.00

For students earning an associate or career associate degree, the specific award will be “With Distinction” for an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher.

Changes in Grades

All grade changes must be approved by the Department Head and Dean of the appropriate College before they can be recorded by the Registrar’s Office.

Appeal of Grades Obtained in Undergraduate-Level Courses

Grade appeals follow the university policy and procedures for Student Grade Appeals.

Classification of Students

Students who have earned less than 30 semester hours are classified as Freshmen. Students who have earned between 30 and less than 60 semester hours are classified as Sophomores. Students who have earned between 60 and less than 90 semester hours are classified as Juniors. Students who have earned 90 or more semester hours are classified as Seniors.

Privacy of Student Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights to access and amend incorrect educational records. It also regulates the disclosure of record information to outside parties. All UNG students regardless of age must give written permission to release academic records to anyone who is not associated with the university, including parents or legal guardians. According to the U.S. Department of Education, “under FERPA, schools may release any and all information to parents, without the consent of the eligible student, if the student is dependent for tax purposes under IRS rules.”

For additional information, students should review the Registrar’s Office website or the federal FERPA website at

Student Email

Upon admission to the University of North Georgia, each student is provided with a student e-mail account. Student e-mail is the official channel of communication between the University and its students. It is the responsibility of the student to periodically monitor his/her student e-mail account and be aware of the information sent by the University. Lack of knowledge that results from failure to monitor University e-mail communications will not excuse students from complying with University policies, procedures and/or deadlines and will not be considered grounds for appeal for relief from those policies, procedures, and deadlines.

Communication with Academic Advisor

The academic advising process is a responsibility shared by the advisor and the student. It is the student’s responsibility to consult with the advisor concerning contemplated changes in class schedule, program of study, or career plans.

Course Loads

The maximum number of hours for which a student will be able to register will be 20 credit hours in the Spring and Fall semesters and 16 hours in the Summer semester, except for those students with Learning Support or RHSC requirements, or those students not in good academic standing. These students will have a maximum of 17 credit hours in the Spring and Fall semesters.

A student who is registered for 12 semester hours or more is classified as a full-time student.

A normal load for a full-time student is 15 to 18 semester hours. A first-year student whose high school record and entrance test scores indicate inadequate preparation may be advised to carry a reduced load while adjusting to university-level work.

A student who wishes to carry more than 20 semester hours per term must have completed two or more semesters with a course load of 15 hours in a prior term with an institutional GPA of 3.0 or higher and have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5 in order to request an overload. This request must be approved by the student’s advisor, Department Head, and Dean.

A student whose overall GPA is below a 2.0, or who has outstanding Learning Support or RHSC requirements and wishes to carry 17 or more semester hours must have a recommendation from her/his academic advisor and must have the written permission of the advisor, Department Head, and Dean.

Class Schedule Changes (Add/Drop Period)

Class schedule changes are allowed during the first five class days of fall and spring semesters. The number of days allowed for changing a schedule will vary during summer sessions. Students should consult the university calendar for this information. Schedule changes should be made only after careful consultation with the academic advisor. If a student drops classes, he/she may not be eligible for financial aid the student may have already received. In this case, the student is responsible for returning funds to the Business Office. Unauthorized changes in a schedule may result in a loss of credit. After the initial period for adjusting class schedules, a withdrawal from a class will result in the assignment of a grade of W (withdraw without penalty) or WF (withdraw failing) as determined by the instructor and University System policy. Instructors may request that the Office of Academic Affairs approve a grade of W after midterm in cases of extenuating circumstances.

The Registrar’s Office will withdraw (W grade on transcript) students whose names are marked as non-attending by faculty during the Roll/Attendance Verification periods.

Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) Deficiencies

RHSC deficiencies are noted on the Tranguid in red. Students with RHSC deficiencies in math or English may satisfy the deficiencies with satisfactory index or placement test scores (see below) or completion of Learning Support courses. Students with RHSC deficiencies in social science, natural sciences, or foreign language may satisfy the deficiencies according to the chart below. Information regarding available examinations and the necessary scores to obtain credit can be found at

Area of Deficiency

Prescribed Remediation

The student must have an English Placement Index (EPI) of 4280 or higher; an Accuplacer Reading score of 243 or higher PLUS an Accuplacer WritePlacer score of 4 or higher; or complete Learning Support English with a grade of C or higher in the corequisite ENGL 1101 class.
The student must have a Math Placement Index (MPI) of 1300 or higher; an Accuplacer Math (QAS) score of 266 or higher; or complete Learning Support Math with a grade of C or higher.
The student who wishes to address a Science RHSC deficiency by completing a collegiate course may complete any approved Area D science course with a grade of C or higher. Those who wish to address the deficiency through a standardized examination must demonstrate competency in an area not already reflected in their high school coursework.
Social Science
A student who wishes to address a Social Studies RHSC deficiency by completing a collegiate course may address the deficiency by completing any approved Area E course with a grade of C or higher.
Foreign Language
The student must complete any Foreign Language at the 1001 level with a grade of C or higher or achieve the equivalent of credit for a 1001 level course through a standardized examination.

All RHSC deficiencies must be made up before the student has earned 30 semester hours of college-level credit. Students who accumulate 30 or more semester hours of college-level credit in the institution before completing all RHSC requirements will have Advising Center holds and may not register for other courses unless they also register for the appropriate course that meets the deficiency.

Core Curriculum Rule

Students are required to successfully complete all Area A core curriculum courses (courses emphasizing communication skills and quantitative skills) in a timely manner. First-time and transfer students entering UNG who have earned 30 hours but have not completed Area A must enroll in the next course necessary to make progress toward completing this Area in every semester in which they take classes. For students with Learning Support requirements in English, and/or Mathematics, taking the required Learning Support course(s) counts as making progress toward completing Area A. Students are also encouraged to complete at least one laboratory science course and at least one course of any foreign language requirement during the first sixty hours of coursework.

Class Attendance

The University of North Georgia expects students to attend all regularly scheduled classes for instruction and examination. When a student is compelled for any reason to be absent from class, the student should immediately convey the reason for the absence directly to the instructor. The student is responsible for all material presented in class and for all announcements and assignments.

The decision to permit students to make up work that is required in any missed class resides with the instructor. Students who stop attending class may be administratively withdrawn (with or without academic penalty); a grade of W may be assigned when students fail to attend 10% of any class meetings prior to the midpoint of the term; a grade of WF will be assigned when students stop attending after the midpoint. Individual instructors or departments may have attendance policies stricter than that of the university, as long as the policies are stated in the class syllabus.

Students who are absent because of University-sponsored activities that are approved by the Provost or Vice President for Student Affairs will be permitted to make up any work missed during the absence. “University-sponsored activities” include activities related to performance groups, university athletic teams, the Corps of Cadets, the Student Government Association, field trips related to academic courses, as well as any other University-sponsored activities approved by the Provost or Vice President for Student Affairs. Approval of such absences will be granted only if the instructor receives advance notice in writing from the faculty member or university official sponsoring the activity.

Extenuating circumstances for which an absence may be excused include participation in university-sponsored activities (see above), hazardous weather conditions, personal hardship, extended illness or hospitalization, family emergencies, or death in the immediate family. Instructors may request documentation to verify the extenuating circumstances.

Any absence problems which cannot be resolved between the instructor and the student are referred immediately to the appropriate department head and, if necessary, to the Dean of the appropriate school.  The Dean of the appropriate school is the final arbiter in all absence disputes.

Academic Standing Policy

Students are considered to be in good academic standing by having a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 after earning more than 18 credit hours in all courses attempted with grades of A, B, C, D, F, or WF. A student who has 18 credit hours or less and a cumulative GPA below 2.00 will be placed on academic warning. Academic warning is considered part of UNG’s early alert program and the student remains in good academic standing. A student who has earned more than 18 credit hours and does not have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 will be placed on academic probation. A student on academic probation must earn a minimum semester GPA of 2.00 for each subsequent semester until good academic standing is achieved to remain on continued probation and avoid suspension. If a student fails to maintain a minimum GPA of 2.00 for each subsequent semester while on probation, she/he will be suspended for two consecutive semesters (including summer).

Should there be extenuating circumstances that contributed to the student’s poor academic performance, the student may appeal to the Office of the Provost prior to the next Academic Review Committee meeting. The committee will meet to consider the appeal and make a recommendation to the Provost, who will notify the student of the disposition of the appeal within a week of the committee meeting.

Students receiving financial aid are still required to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress to maintain aid eligibility.

Academic Support Programs

Learning Support Program

The Learning Support program at University of North Georgia provides the opportunity for students to improve their basic academic skills in the areas of English (Reading and Writing) and Mathematics before or along with enrolling in related college-level courses.

Students whose previous academic record, admissions test scores, or placement scores indicate the need for additional preparation in English and/or Mathematics are required to take the appropriate Learning Support courses. Learning Support coursework in the University System of Georgia is designed to be completed in one semester. Students who have Learning Support requirements must enroll each semester in the required Learning Support coursework until the requirement has been satisfied by earning a passing grade. Students may enroll concurrently in college-level courses for which they have satisfied the prerequisites. If students withdraw from any Learning Support course, they may remain enrolled in any college-level coursework for which their Learning Support requirement has no bearing. UNG students in their first semester as college students who do not earn a passing grade in their Learning Support coursework must repeat the coursework in their next semester of enrollment, as well as take UNIV 1101, Fundamentals of Achievement. Students who do not satisfy their Learning Support requirements by the time they complete 30 hours of college-level credit may have their subsequent course load restricted until all Learning Support requirements have been satisfied.

Visit the Learning Support Department section in the UNG Undergraduate catalog and the Learning Support Program on the UNG website for more specific information about the Learning Support program and policies.

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESL) Program

The University of North Georgia offers courses designed to prepare students whose native language is not English for success in college credit courses. This is a program designed to achieve advanced English skills and does not accept students who have little to no command of English. Placement in ESL is determined by TOEFL or iELTS score, ESL Accuplacer testing, a writing sample, or professor’s recommendation.

Students may enroll concurrently in college-level courses for which they have satisfied the prerequisites. If students withdraw from any ESL course, they will be required to also withdraw from any college-level courses for which enrollment in the ESL course is a co-requirement. In addition, students who score high enough on ESL Accuplacer tests to enroll in collegiate-level courses may also choose to take some ESL courses in order to enhance their academic performance. Except for ESLO 1101, ESL courses carry institutional credit.

UNG offers one course in pronunciation, one course in college orientation/classroom communication, two in academic vocabulary, three in writing/grammar taught on different skill levels (intermediate, high-intermediate, and advanced), and three in academic reading, also taught on different skill levels (intermediate, high-intermediate, and advanced). A student’s placement within the ESL program is determined by ESL Accuplacer scores, a writing sample, and an internal standardized English test (the Michigan EPT). Students have three attempts to exit each level. Students exit from the intermediate and high-intermediate level classes by earning passing grades in these courses. Students exit the advanced reading class by earning a grade of C or higher in the class and by attaining a passing score on the reading portfolio, which is scored by three members of the ESL faculty. Students exit the advanced writing/grammar classes by earning a grade of C or higher in the class and bypassing the Exit Essay, which is also scored by three members of the ESL faculty.

Students who are placed in ESL Reading must also take both ESLV 0051 and ESLV 0052 (Academic Vocabulary for ESL Students), which are non-sequential courses. Students who are placed ESL Reading and/or Writing must take and pass ESLO 1101 (Classroom Communication and College Orientation) with a grade of C or higher. Lower-level students or students with deficits in speaking and/or listening skills may also be required to take ESLC 0061 (Pronunciation).

Students who fail to pass a course in three semesters will receive a grade of “U” and be placed on Learning Support (ESL) Suspension for one year (three consecutive semesters), which may also be appealed for one additional semester. Students may apply to return after serving their suspension and begin anew with a placement test and all prior attempts set to zero (0).

Visit the ESL Program on the UNG website for more specific information about the ESL program and policies.

Transfer Policies for Learning Support

Students who complete Learning Support English or Math courses at another USG institution are exempted from that/those area(s). Those students who begin Learning Support courses but do not complete them at another USG institution are placed in the equivalent courses at UNG. Any students who leave for three consecutive semesters without satisfying her/his Learning Support requirements will, upon application for readmission, be required to take the Accuplacer Placement Test in any unsatisfied Learning Support area. Learning Support coursework from non-USG but institutions accredited by the commissions listed in the Accredited Institutions section of the Academic Information page of the Undergraduate Catalog will be evaluated for Learning Support credit at UNG. Previous attempts in Learning Support coursework at non-USG schools are not counted at UNG.

Students who transfer in fewer than 30 hours of college credit are subject to all the requirements of entering freshmen. Students who transfer in 30 or more hours of college credit are exempt from CPC requirements, but they are subject to placement testing and possible placement into Learning Support if they have not completed an Area A English and Math requirement at their former institution.

Students accepted into UNG through the Learning Support Program are not allowed transient permission to take Learning Support courses at other institutions nor does the institution accept transient students into Learning Support courses.

Voluntary Enrollment

Students who believe they will profit from additional academic support prior to enrollment in college-level courses are welcome to voluntarily enroll in Learning Support courses.

Transient Students

A current student may request to complete certain courses at another institution as a transient student. A Transient Permission Request must be submitted prior to the term in which the student would like to take these courses. Permission is not granted to students who have outstanding Learning Support or ESL requirements, students who have been granted academic renewal, or to students who are not in good academic standing.

Students who do not request (and receive) transient permission to attend another institution or who do not take the requested/approved courses risk not having their work transferred back to UNG.

The Transient Permission Request for undergraduate students is available in Banner Web. Graduate students should contact the Office of Graduate Studies for more information.

After the student submits the electronic request, the Registrar’s office will send a letter confirming the student’s transient eligibility and good academic standing to the transient institution. The student must apply for transient admission to that institution. At the close of the transient term, students must request an official transcript of their coursework at the transient institution be sent to the University of North Georgia.

Credit by Examination

The University of North Georgia offers Credit by Examination (CBE) when scores on nationally standardized examinations (CLEP, etc.) or other academic experience strongly indicates that the student has acquired the information or skills related to given courses of instruction offered by the University.

In evaluating student submissions for possible credit, the University is guided by the principles developed by the American Council on Education (ACE), a national association of higher education institutions that serves adult learners and nontraditional students by evaluating and translating workplace learning and nontraditional education experiences into academic credits and armed services members by evaluating and recommending equivalent college credits for military training and experience. The institution is further guided by the recommendations of the USG Adult Learning Consortium, of which UNG is a member.

Credit awarded by examination can be given only for courses officially approved for academic credit by the University. The institution’s website contains a listing of courses for which a student may earn credit by examination. The credit (noted with a grade of K) carries no academic grade and is not computed into the grade point average. The University limits the number of hours of Credit by Examination to 45 semester hours and no more than 24 hours of IB credit. No more than 30 hours of credit by exam credit may be applied to an associate degree program.

A student who has earned a grade other than a W in the course may not earn CLEP or DSST credit for the course. A student may earn CLEP or DSST credit for a course in which he/she is currently enrolled provided that the student withdraws from the course no later than the last date in the term to withdraw with a W. Students should be aware that medical, dental and other professional schools may not recognize course credit by examination in their admissions processes.

Details regarding required scores and course equivalents for certain credit by exam tests are listed on the Academic Affairs website. Information regarding the availability of these tests is available from the Testing Center.

Advanced Placement (AP)

AP credit for certain classes may be awarded in which an equivalent is offered and for which the required score is achieved. AP tests are administered by the College Entrance Examination Board. Thirty-four tests in 19 subject areas correspond to Advanced Placement high school courses.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

CLEP is a nationally standardized testing program that offers 33 tests in the subject areas of Business, Composition and Literature, History and Social Sciences, Science and Mathematics, and World Languages. CLEP is managed by the College Board® and allows students to earn college credit by demonstrating mastery of college-level material by earning qualifying scores. CLEP exams cover material that students typically encounter during their first two years of college. CLEP credit may be awarded for courses at the 1000 and 2000 levels.

Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) Subject Standardized Tests Program (DSST)

DANTES provides the Department of Defense (DoD) with worldwide education support by coordinating off-duty voluntary education programs, development activities, and special projects, and sponsoring a wide range of standardized testing programs. This testing program offers 38 exams to students.

Foreign Language Achievement Testing Service (FLATS)

Students may earn a maximum of 12 academic credits in select modern languages through the Foreign Language Achievement Testing Service (FLATS) offered by Brigham Young University (BYU). Students must contact the UNG Testing Office before registering for a FLATS test via the BYU website. The UNG Testing Office will provide the FLATS Registration Guide outlining how to proceed with the testing process.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

International Baccalaureate (IB) is a two-year college diploma program. Students who complete IB tests in high school may submit official score reports for evaluation for academic credit. IB credit may be awarded for certain classes in which an equivalent is offered and for which the required grade is achieved. Up to 24 hours of credit for IB exams satisfying the minimum test scores set by UNG may be awarded. IB diploma completers may be awarded credit for both higher level and standard level exams satisfying the minimum test scores set by UNG. Non-diploma completers may only receive credit for higher-level exams satisfying the minimum test scores set by UNG.

Prior Learning Assessment by Portfolio

Students can earn appropriate credit in their work or military experience towards a degree for verifiable college-level learning acquired through life or work experience, not for the experience itself. Students who acquire the level of knowledge that meets the expectations and the learning outcomes of a specific course may get credit for that course, provided the students can demonstrate proficiency in that specific course.

Upon the recommendation of the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Coordinator, a student seeking credit for prior learning through portfolio assessment will prepare a portfolio for submission. A portfolio is a collection of work (e.g., paintings, writings, artifacts, examples) and related narratives developed by a student which may be used to demonstrate competency in an academic area.

Once students complete and submit the PLA portfolio, assessors will evaluate it to determine if the portfolio provides evidence which ties those skills to a specific course objective. Credit may be awarded when a qualified faculty assessor determines that prior learning is acceptable for credit. A separate portfolio must be prepared for each course for which a student is seeking credit. For more information, consult the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Student Manual at the Nighthawks Engagement and Student Transitions (NEST) website.

Credit for Military Experience

Students who served on active duty or attended military training may receive academic credit for their experience. Students must submit appropriate documentation to request that their records be evaluated for this credit. The Registrar’s Office coordinates the review of service members’ records by Academic departments and records approved credit on the students’ academic transcript (with a grade of CR).

Professional Credit

The RN-BSN program adheres to Georgia’s RN-BSN articulation agreement and awards a set number of credit hours to those holding an associate degree in nursing. The awarding of the credit hours is contingent upon the successful completion of NURS 3110R “The Transformation to Professional Practice”.

Cooperative Programs

Regents’ Engineering Pathways program (REP)

Students seeking a Bachelor of Engineering degree may begin their college studies at the University of North Georgia through the Regents Engineering Pathways program (REP) or may take a pre-engineering curriculum. Upon successful completion of the pre-engineering curriculum, REP students transfer to the Georgia Institute of Technology, Mercer University, Georgia Southern University, Kennesaw State University, or the University of Georgia to complete the degree requirements. Non-REP pre-engineering students take the pre-engineering curriculum and then apply for transfer to the engineering school of their choice. UNG also offers a Dual Degree program for transfer to these same engineering schools and also to Clemson University. In this program students complete the whole Core Curriculum and a set of prescribed courses in physics, chemistry, or mathematics. After completion of their engineering degree, students earn a bachelor’s degree from UNG in one of these fields.

Adult Learning Consortium

The University System of Georgia-Adult Learning Consortium (ALC) is composed of 13 colleges and universities. The Adult Learning Consortium (ALC) is a “system” within “the System,” working collaboratively to improve programs and services which align with the State’s workforce development plan, meet the needs of adult students, and expand services for military students and veterans.

Military Withdrawal

Enrolled active duty military personnel or military reservists who receive emergency orders to active duty during the term may officially withdraw from UNG and receive a full refund of tuition and mandatory fees. The refunding of other fees may be prorated based on the date of the withdrawal. The grade of ‘WM’ (Military Withdrawal) will be given in each course from which the student is withdrawn. Service members who request a military withdrawal must submit a copy of their orders to the Registrar’s Office preferably prior to departure, but before grades are given for the term. Official documentation is required for the withdrawal to be processed. Military withdrawals are not granted for TDY (temporary duty) assignments or for terms that are complete.

Administrative Withdrawal

A student may be administratively withdrawn from the university when it is determined that the student has a condition which (a) causes the student to be unable to meet institutional requirements for admission and continued enrollment, (b) causes the student to interfere with the rights of other members of the University community or its personnel, or (c) poses a significant danger or threat of physical harm to the student or to the person or property of others. Either the student or the University can initiate an administrative withdrawal.

Student-Initiated Withdrawal

Students who seek to obtain a withdrawal after the approved withdrawal date must complete a Request for Health/Hardship Leave of Absence Petition to the Dean of Students for review or they will automatically receive grades of F/WF. Student-initiated withdrawals do not include any conditions for future registration. Examples include health-related withdrawal and hardship withdrawal.

Instructor-Initiated Withdrawal

Students who stop attending class may be administratively withdrawn (with or without academic penalty); a grade of W may be assigned when students fail to attend 10% of any class meetings prior to the midpoint of the term; a grade of WF will be assigned when students stop attending after the midpoint. Individual instructors or departments may have attendance policies stricter than that of the university, as long as the policies are stated in the class syllabus.

University-Initiated Withdrawal

A student may be the subject of a University-initiated withdrawal from the University when 1) the student has received a student conduct sanction during a semester which would prevent the student from completing the semester or 2) it is determined, in the judgment of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, that the student is a threat to him/herself and/or others or results in a significant disruption to the University community.

Students involved in University-initiated withdrawal may have the opportunity to present their position and any relevant information prior to a final decision concerning continued enrollment at the University. University-initiated withdrawals follow the same guidelines, procedures, and due process as the Student Conduct hearing process outlined in the Student Handbook.

Students must complete all the conditions outlined within the University-initiated withdrawal. In order to be eligible to register for future terms, students must complete the Request for Re-enrollment Form. Please see the submission requirements here . Examples include withdrawal based on student conduct suspension; withdrawal based on academic misconduct suspension; and withdrawal based on Behavior Intervention Team recommendation to the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Disciplinary Withdrawal

A student required to withdraw from the University for disciplinary reasons will receive grades of W or WF. Grades of W after midterm require the approval of the Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, or designee, and are approved only in cases of acceptable extenuating circumstances.

Religious Holidays

Students who wish to be absent to observe a religious holiday during scheduled class times must make arrangements in advance with their instructors. Faculty members will be sensitive to the observance of these holidays.

Eligibility of Varsity Athletes

NCAA Academic and General Requirements (BYLAW, ARTICLE 14)

To be eligible to represent an institution in intercollegiate athletics competition, a student-athlete shall be enrolled in at least a minimum full-time program of studies, be in good academic standing and maintain progress toward a baccalaureate or equivalent degree as defined by the institution, which for purposes of this bylaw and its subsections shall not be less than 12-semester hours, regardless of the institution’s definition of a minimum full-time program of studies. Also, a student-athlete may represent the institution while enrolled as a graduate or professional student or while enrolled and seeking a second baccalaureate degree at the same institution.

Regarding eligibility for competition, student-athletes must satisfactorily earn six semester hours of academic credit the preceding regular academic term in which the student-athlete has been enrolled full time at any collegiate institution. A student-athlete must also satisfactorily complete 24 semester hours of academic credit since the beginning of the previous fall term or since the certifying institution’s preceding two regular semesters. A student-athlete must earn at least 75 percent of the minimum number of semester hours required for progress toward a degree during the regular academic year. The student-athlete shall earn no more than 25 percent of the minimum number of semester hours required for progress toward a degree during the summer or through correspondence courses taken during the 1993-94 academic year and thereafter.

A student-athlete shall meet the “satisfactory completion” provision of this requirement by maintaining a grade point average that places the individual in good academic standing, as established by the institution for all students who are at an equivalent stage of progress toward a degree. To fulfill the “satisfactory completion” provision of this requirement, a student-athlete who first enters a Division II institution after the 1988-89 academic year must achieve the following cumulative minimum grade point average (based on a 4.000) at the beginning of the fall term or at the beginning of any other regular term of that academic year, based on the student-athlete earning:

  • 24 semester hours:  1.800
  • 48 semester hours:  1.900
  • 72 semester hours:  2.000
  • 96 semester hours:  2.000

UNG Academic Standing policies supersede NCAA guidelines regarding academic eligibility.

Regarding freshman academic requirements, a student-athlete who enrolls in a Division II institution as an entering freshman with no previous full-time college attendance shall meet the following academic requirements, as certified by the NCAA Eligibility Center approved by the Executive Committee, and any applicable institutional and conference regulations, to be considered a qualifier and thus be eligible for financial aid, practice, and competition during the first academic year in residence.

  1. a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 2.000 (based on a maximum of 4.000) in a successfully completed core curriculum of at least 16 academic courses per Bylaw
  2. a minimum combined score on the SAT verbal and math sections of 820 or a minimum sum score of 68 on the ACT.  The SAT or ACT score must be achieved under national testing conditions on a national testing date.

To be eligible to represent an institution in intercollegiate athletics competition, a student-athlete shall be in compliance with all applicable provisions of the constitution and bylaws of the Association and all rules and regulations of the institution and the conference(s), if any, of which the institution is a member. Specific attention is called to legislation affecting eligibility in the following areas: Amateurism, Awards, Benefits, and Expenses, Ethical Conduct, Financial Aid, and Recruitment.

Institutional Assessment of Students

The university affirms its prerogative to require all students to take any examination which may, from time to time, be required for institutional or University System evaluation and to charge each student for the cost of such an examination.

Academic Integrity Policy


The University of North Georgia is dedicated to providing an educational climate characterized by integrity. Academic integrity, in particular, must be the cornerstone of an institution of higher learning and must pervade all segments of the UNG community. Furthermore, academic integrity is the mutual responsibility of the various constituencies (students, faculty, staff, and administration) which comprise the University.

Honor Code

The honor code, “On my honor, I will not lie, cheat, steal, plagiarize, evade the truth or tolerate those who do,” reflects UNG’s commitment to academic integrity.

The policies and procedures regarding academic integrity at UNG are included in the Student Handbook under the Student Code of Conduct. The absence of an integrity code statement on an assignment, the absence of a written honor pledge on an assignment, or the absence of a student’s signature in no way releases the student from the responsibility to know, understand, and follow the University’s honor policy.

Academic Renewal Policy

The Academic Renewal Policy allows University System of Georgia (USG) degree-seeking students who have experienced academic difficulty to have one opportunity to make a fresh start after an absence of three calendar years. Academic Renewal signals the initiation of a new grade point average to be used for determining academic standing and eligibility for graduation. The calculation of the renewal GPA begins when the student receives approval for Academic Renewal and includes all coursework taken since the student’s acceptance. The academic renewal GPA will be displayed on the student’s academic record including the official academic transcript. All previously attempted coursework and any previous academic suspensions and/or dismissals remain on the student’s permanent record including the official academic transcript.

Undergraduate students who are transferring to a USG institution or are returning to a USG institution after a three-year absence may be eligible for Academic Renewal. Students who do not request Academic Renewal status at the time of re-enrollment must do so within one year after enrollment.

  • Students seeking readmission to UNG must be absent from the university for a minimum period of three years. Transfer credit for any coursework taken during the period of absence should be granted according to UNG’s transfer credit policy.
  • Students transferring to UNG from an institution of higher education accredited by one of the accrediting commissions listed in the Accredited Institutions section of the Academic Information page in the Undergraduate Catalog may be eligible for Academic Renewal if there has been a minimum three-year absence required for Academic Renewal eligibility.
    • Only coursework completed prior to the three-year period of eligibility can be considered for Academic Renewal.
    • The period of eligibility is calculated from the date of enrollment at UNG.
    • Courses taken more recently than the period of eligibility are ineligible for consideration for Academic Renewal. However, transfer credit can be granted for coursework taken during this period according to UNG’s transfer credit policy.

For students who are granted approval for Academic Renewal, academic credit for previously completed coursework will be retained only for courses in which an A, B, C, or K grade has been earned, including any applicable transfer coursework. Retained grades are not calculated into a student’s GPA. Applicability of retained credit to degree requirements will be determined by the degree requirements currently in effect at the time Academic Renewal status is granted to the students. Specific institutional program regulations must also be met, such as minimum GPA based upon all attempted coursework, since reentry into any academic degree program is not automatic. Courses with D, F, or WF grades that are required in the student’s degree program must be repeated at UNG. No transient credit for these courses will be accepted.  Students who wish to earn a degree must satisfy UNG residency requirements after approval for Academic Renewal is granted. At least 50% of coursework toward a degree must be completed at UNG after the granting of Academic Renewal status for a student to be eligible for honors at graduation. The granting of Academic Renewal does not supersede financial aid policies regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

Eligible students who wish to petition for Academic Renewal should submit an email from their official UNG email account to the Registrar’s Office.

Military Science Instruction

Graduation requirements for members of the Corps of Cadets include successful completion of 28 semester hours of military science instruction and physical readiness training unless exempted by the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs upon the request of the Professor of Military Science. To fulfill this requirement, all Cadets, including those transferring from other institutions, are required to successfully complete at least one military science class each semester.

U.S. and Georgia Constitution and History Requirements

Georgia law requires that all candidates for a degree from an institution supported by public funds shall pass an examination of the history of the United States and the history of Georgia and an examination upon the provisions and principles of the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Georgia. The requirements for instruction in the above areas can be met by passing a test in each of the four areas or by satisfactorily completing one of the following courses at UNG or a university in the University System of Georgia: HIST 2111, HIST 2112, or POLS 1101.

Students who transferred from a Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) institution and have earned credit for HIST 2111 or HIST 2112, will satisfy the Georgia History and U.S. History requirements only. Students with earned credit for POLS 1101, will satisfy the Georgia Constitution and the U.S. Constitution requirements only.

Students who transferred one or more of these courses to UNG from a private or out-of-state institution will have to take at least two exams to meet the mandated requirements. See the following exam options:

  • Students who transferred from another state or received AP or CLEP credit for POLS 1101 & HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 will need to take the Georgia Constitution and the Georgia History exam.
  • Students who transferred from another state or received AP or CLEP credit for POLS 1101 will need to take the Georgia Constitution, Georgia History, and U.S. History exams.
  • Students who transferred from another state or received AP or CLEP credit for HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 will need to take the U.S. Constitution, Georgia Constitution, and Georgia History exams.

Students should contact the Department of Political Science & International Affairs and the Department of History, Anthropology, & Philosophy for clarification of these restrictions. 

Any baccalaureate degree-seeking student who has not met the legislative requirement, but has completed Area E, may use the following upper-level courses to meet the requirements listed below through coursework at the University of North Georgia:

  • Credit for U.S. History requirement: HIST 3150 or HIST 3151
  • Credit for Georgia History requirement: HIST 3182, HIST 3183, HIST 3184, or HIST 3185
  • Credit for Georgia Constitution requirement: POLS 3106, POLS 4112, or POLS 4120

Students are encouraged to visit the departmental websites for more information. 

Regents’ Skills Program

Each institution of the University System of Georgia shall assure the other institutions, and the System as a whole, that students obtaining a degree from that institution possess certain minimum skills of reading and writing. The Regents’ Skills Program has been developed to help in the attainment of this goal. The objectives of the Regents’ Skills Program are (1) to provide System-wide information on the status of student competence in the areas of reading and writing and (2) to provide a uniform means of identifying those students who fail to attain the minimum levels of competence in the areas of reading and writing.  

The University of North Georgia has been granted an institutional exemption to the Regents Reading and Writing Skills requirement by the USG Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer under the delegated authority of the Chancellor in consultation with the Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Regents.  

The exemption was granted based on UNG’s assessment of communications outcomes in Area A1 classes (ENGL 1101 and 1102). Therefore, if a student has passed ENGL 1101 and 1102 with a C or higher (or has been granted transfer credit for those classes AFTER ENROLLING at an exempt institution), then the student is exempt from Regents’ Test requirements at that point, regardless of where he/she may transfer. 

Other exemptions may be found at the BOR website at

Modern Language Requirement and Student Placement

As a liberal arts institution educating Georgia’s citizens for roles in international contexts, the University of North Georgia endorses the study of a language other than English by including an elementary level (1001 or 1002) language in Area B of the core curriculum. Currently, the Departments of Modern & Classical Languages and Spanish & Portuguese offer a B.A. degree program with concentrations in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish, as well as minor programs in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish. In addition, through UNG’s membership in the National Association of Self-Instructional Language Programs (NASILP), course work is also available in other languages. Please consult with the Departments of Modern & Classical Languages and Spanish & Portuguese about these opportunities. UNG’s B.A. degrees require language proficiency at the intermediate level (2001 and 2002). Students should consult the appropriate section of the catalog for specific requirements for the degree they are seeking; the English major programs, for example, require the completion of 2001 and 2002 in a language other than English. Students are also strongly advised to consult with their primary advisor and a faculty member in the Departments of Modern & Classical Languages and Spanish & Portuguese about which language best suits their program of study. Also, because UNG’s commitment to educating students in the languages and cultures of other peoples and nations is such an important aspect of its institutional mission, proficiency in American Sign Language does not satisfy the foreign language requirement in Area B. However, courses in ASL can be evaluated and recommended by either of the language departments for elective credit.

Students have a variety of options for placing into course sequences in modern and classical languages. For those who have had previous language study, a web-based computer-adaptive placement examination (WebCAPE) is available to help them place into the course sequences. In addition, such students may be able to achieve credit by examination for language courses by way of AP, CLEP, FLATS, or other exams. Students placing at a level beyond that required by the major may also be exempt from second language course requirements. In all cases, students must attain the overall number of required credit hours in their program of study and are strongly encouraged to contact the Departments of Modern & Classical Languages or Spanish & Portuguese with questions regarding placement in and credit for language courses.

For students pursuing a B.A. degree in a modern language (except English), a 1002 language course may not count in Area F.  These degree programs require 2001 and 2002 of a second language in Area F.  If not used in Area B, the 1002 language course should be counted as elective credit.

For students minoring in a modern language (except English), the 1001, 1002, 2001, and 2002 minor program courses must appear as part of the degree program.  Four upper level/division courses in the minor language are required (three upper level/division minor courses for students who started prior to Fall 2018) as part of the minor program requirements.

The University of North Georgia maintains exchange agreements with universities outside the United States for summer, semester- and year-long programs of study, providing ideal conditions for the study of other languages. Students are encouraged to consult with the Departments of Modern & Classical Languages, Spanish & Portuguese, and the Center for Global Engagement to find out about these and other opportunities in study abroad and should consult the study-abroad section of this catalog for additional information.

The Departments of Spanish & Portuguese and Modern & Classical Languages maintain guidelines that assist in the placement of students in specific levels of the student’s chosen language, based upon the student’s previous experience with that language. Students can find and review these guidelines on the department websites.

Plan of Study

The Plan of Study (POS) provides the list of requirements for completing a degree at UNG. Initially, the Plan of Study serves as a guide for discussion between the student and academic advisor. Degree requirements and plans of study can change each academic year to reflect current department and program standards. The POS version used by students is determined by the first term of enrollment at UNG, or if readmitted the POS at the time of re-enrollment. Students may choose to use a future POS version at any time during their enrollment at UNG. Students may not use a POS version that was approved and used prior to their enrollment at UNG. Once a student has elected to use a POS for a future academic year, they cannot revert to a previous version. Degree programs are subject to change. Adjustments may be made to the requirements for the degree regardless of the Undergraduate Catalog under which the student entered.

Associate Degree Pathways & Bachelor Degree Majors, Minors, and Concentrations

All associate degree-seeking students must declare a pathway once 40 overall credit hours are earned. Students with 40 or more transferable credit hours must declare their pathway at the time of application for admission. All baccalaureate-seeking students must declare majors at 40 overall credit hours earned. Students with 40 or more transferable credit hours must declare their major at the time of application for admission. Learning support courses are not counted toward earned credit hours for purposes of this policy.

Associate’s degree programs must contain a minimum of 60 semester hours.

Baccalaureate programs for all students must contain a minimum of 120 semester hours in which at least 39 semester hours are at the upper level/division (3000/4000) overall, and in which a minimum of 21 semester hours of upper level/division are in the major field.

A minor must contain 15 to 18 semester hours of coursework, in which a minimum of nine semester hours must be upper level/division coursework and may only be completed with a major as part of a degree program (not separately). Courses taken to satisfy Core Areas A through E may not be counted/shared as coursework in the minor. Courses taken in Core Area F may be counted/shared as coursework in the minor. Courses taken to satisfy the major area requirements may not be used to satisfy the minor requirements.

For a program of study in which a minor is not required, the field of study consists of all upper-division coursework in the major field. For a program of study in which a minor is required, the field of study consists of all upper-division coursework in the major field and the minor field. In a chosen major or minor, no deviation from the requirements may occur without signed approval from the student’s academic advisor, the student’s department head, and the dean or a designated representative.

A major may label a smaller grouping of courses of 15 semester hours or more as a concentration with the major. Not all majors have concentrations, but those that do allow a choice between two or more concentrations as a way of tailoring the major to a student’s particular needs and interests. Concentrations must be pursued and completed concurrently with a degree program.

Multiple Pathways/Majors

Students wishing to pursue multiple pathways at the associate degree level must complete all Core Curriculum (Areas A-E) and Area F requirements for each program of study. For pathways that share Area F course requirements, a maximum of 9 hours may be used twice (once in each major’s program of study) to satisfy the degree requirements of both pathways.

Students wishing to pursue multiple majors at the baccalaureate degree level must complete all Core Curriculum (Areas A-E) and upper-division requirements for each major. Coursework completed to satisfy one major may be utilized to satisfy the requirements of other majors. For majors that share course requirements, a maximum of 15 credit hours may be used twice (once in each major’s program of study) to satisfy the degree requirements of both majors.

Candidacy for the Degree

Before the degree can be conferred, all indebtedness to the University must be met and all published requirements for the particular degree fulfilled. It is every student’s responsibility to ensure all degree program requirements are met.

Students must submit an application for graduation and pay the graduation fee by the published deadline for the semester in which the student anticipates completing degree requirements. All requirements must be met by the final grade submission deadline of each semester. The Registrar’s Office will determine if a student is eligible to participate in a commencement ceremony.

For all associate degrees, students must complete the requirements of the Core Curriculum and Area F for a minimum total of 60 semester hours in their chosen pathway(s). Of the 60 total semester hours, a minimum of 15 semester hours must be earned at UNG (in residence).

For all bachelor degrees, students must complete the requirements of the Core Curriculum and Area F, must fulfill all major requirements, any minor requirements, and if necessary, complete enough sufficient approved elective courses for a minimum total of 120 semester hours. This total must include at least 39 semester hours at the upper level/division (3000/4000) overall, and a minimum of 21 semester hours of upper level/division in the major field. Of the 120 total semester hours, a minimum of 30 hours must be earned at UNG (in residence), including a minimum of 21 semester hours of upper level/division coursework in the major. Students must also meet any additional UNG earned hour requirements of their degree program.

Credit is considered earned at UNG (in residence) if the credit is eligible to count toward graduation and tuition is assessed by UNG (excluding credit by exam). Special exceptions may be granted with the approval of the Department Head and the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.

Georgia law requires that all candidates for a degree from an institution supported by public funds shall successfully complete coursework or an examination of the history of the United States and the history of Georgia and coursework or an examination upon the provisions and principles of the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Georgia. Please refer to the U.S. and Georgia Constitution and History Requirements section above for further details.

All students must have a minimum overall grade point average of 2.00 for graduation. Additionally, all students must have a minimum institutional grade point average of 2.00 for all credit hours earned at UNG, and a minimum 2.00 institutional grade point average for all credit hours earned as part of their major. Specific degree programs may have higher minimum grade point averages and higher minimum grades that are required for graduation.

Degree candidates may participate in only one commencement ceremony per semester and will be recognized for only one degree during participation in that ceremony. Any degree candidate pursuing multiple degrees must choose one degree for which they will be recognized during the commencement ceremony.

All students, including those enrolled in study abroad programs or those approved for transient status, who receive at least one I grade, one IP grade or one insufficient grade for courses required to complete a degree program may participate in the commencement ceremony. However, until all degree program requirements are met, these students will remain in candidate status and may be moved to future semester(s).

Students approved for transient status who do not have final official documentation (i.e. transcripts) filed in the Registrar’s Office may participate in the commencement ceremony. However, until all final documentation is received, these students will remain in candidate status and may be moved to future semester(s).

To participate in a commencement ceremony, students who plan to earn required course credit via credit by examination (CLEP, DSST, departmental examinations, etc.) during the semester as a graduation candidate must attempt to earn the appropriate credit by examination and have official documentation of that attempt on file in the Registrar’s Office no later than the final grade submission deadline of that semester.

Students may not be declared a graduate of the University until all requirements for admission and for graduation have been met, the degree has been conferred, and the diploma has been awarded.

Post Factum Degrees

A student who may have completed degree requirements for an associate’s or bachelor’s degree that has not been awarded may request a review for the degree so long as the student is eligible to register at UNG. Following this review, a degree may be awarded if all requirements are met. Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Second Degree

Students who earned an associate degree from UNG and wish to pursue a second associate degree must complete a minimum of 9 additional Area F hours and fulfill the requirements for the second pathway and degree.

Students who earned a bachelor’s degree from UNG and wish to pursue a second baccalaureate must fulfill requirements for the second major and must complete a minimum of 30 additional hours in residence if they have not maintained continuous eligibility to enroll.

Students may pursue an associate’s degree while concurrently pursuing a bachelor’s degree. Students may earn the associate’s degree once all graduation requirements for the degree are met. Students may apply to graduate from the associate’s degree program and may participate in the appropriate graduation ceremony before all requirements for the bachelor’s degree are met.


To earn a certificate at UNG, a minimum of one-half of the semester hours required for completion of the certificate must be earned in residence.

Credit is considered earned at UNG (in residence) if the credit is eligible to count toward graduation and tuition is assessed by UNG (excluding credit by exam). Special exceptions may be granted with the approval of the Department Head and the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs.