Oct 09, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

HSDA 3110 - Diversity and Social Justice

Introduces students to the historical context of diversity and social justice and their relationship to human services delivery systems, with a focus on oppression and privilege as manifested in societal systems and forces that influence their development and continuation. Diversity and Social Justice introduces the human services student to the wide range of individuals who may be recipients of services and care in agency settings. We will acknowledge and explore the statuses and conditions that promote or limit human functioning. The course will cover topics including socioeconomic class, racial and ethnic inequality, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religious differences, physical and mental disabilities, chemical dependencies, aging, and delinquency/crime.

Prerequisite: SOCI 1160 with a grade of C or higher
